The 5 Best Websites To Make Money Online - Lifehack

what is the best website to make money

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[Serious] What is the best website to make money easily online?

submitted by squideye62 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

What is the best online job website to make quick money?

submitted by monk-alien to AskReddit [link] [comments]

What’s is the best website to make money doing cam videos with your SO?

submitted by h3rsh3yb0y to AskReddit [link] [comments]

What is the best legit website to make money from watching ads?

submitted by monk-alien to AskReddit [link] [comments]

What will be the best domain name for a website, which is related to making money online?

submitted by Attitude_Boy_ to AskReddit [link] [comments]

What will be the best domain name for a website, which is related to making money online?

submitted by urlradar3 to heryerdeonline [link] [comments]

What will be the best domain name for a website, which is related to making money online?

submitted by urlradar3 to websitereddit [link] [comments]

What is the best website to learn something to make money?

submitted by TwerkingYoda to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2 weeks off of school and work, what is the best way to make some money in the free time? What websites do y'all use to make some extra cash?

submitted by GlitteringAnxiety to AskReddit [link] [comments]

I have a website that I built last November. I'm still no convinced about making money online. My question is what's the best practices to monetize from your website? I want to make some money to prove to myself that this works.

My website is stayfitandyung. com if you have any suggestions I would love to hear it.
submitted by azhkn to SEO [link] [comments]

what is the best website for a newbie to internet marketing looking to make money online?

submitted by jkiks to EasymoneyEarning [link] [comments]

Other than porn, what is the best type of website to create if you are looking to make money?

submitted by archibot to AskReddit [link] [comments]

Hey Reddit, I have just made a website that I think will be very useful to people. I do hope to make money from it eventually through advertising etc, but right now I just want to get the word out about it. What is the best way to let people know about it on Reddit?

submitted by modstore to AskReddit [link] [comments]

I have an ambitious website idea that many friends think is a hit, but I don't have the money or tech skills. What do people think is the best way for me to make it happen, but not get ripped off?

Should I find some sort of intellectual property lawyer or something? I just want to meet potential investors and the people with the skills, and pitch what I and others think is a million dollar idea. I don't want to give up the goods to someone that runs away with it and profits from my ideas. Suggestions, oh mighty reddit?
submitted by uppercrust to AskReddit [link] [comments]

Those who have websites with high volume visitors, how much money can/do you make, and what is the best way to go about it?

submitted by M374llic4 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

I have 10$ to invest, which is the best site to get the most profit off them

I have money on paypal that i want to try on a online website to get the most profit off it. I tried paidverts and similars but the profit is just not worth it (you get more money doing surveys).
So if you had 10$ to invest (from any online wallet like paypal, neteller, ect) what is the best website to make money from it? doesn't matter if passive or active if the profit is good enough, please only submit websites that you already tried and know they work
Edit: Only desktop sites, no smartphones
submitted by eladio19 to beermoney [link] [comments]

Important! GME Short attack tactics predicted in 2014! All the tactics used in the recent week by hedge funds revealed and explained

All the tactics Hedge funds are using to crash GME prices were revealed as far back as 2014 in this article:
Anatomy of a short attack
TL;DR: Ladder attacks to drive the price down, Media assults, Brokers pulling margin, Paid bashers, Diversion attempts - all tactics seen in recent weeks were predicted by this article from 2014
Transcript if website crashes due to traffic:
Anatomy Of A Short Attack
Abusive shorting are not random acts of a renegade hedge funds, but rather a coordinated business plan that is carried out by a collusive consortium of hedge funds and prime brokers, with help from their friends at the DTC and major clearinghouses. Potential target companies are identified, analyzed and prioritized. The attack is planned to its most minute detail.
The plan consists of taking a large short position, then crushing the stock price, and, if possible, putting the company into bankruptcy. Bankrupting the company is a short homerun because they never have to buy real shares to cover and they don't pay taxes on the ill-gotten gain.
When it is time to drive the stock price down, a blitzkrieg is unleashed against the company by a cabal of short hedge funds and prime brokers. The playbook is very similar from attack to attack, and the participating prime brokers and lead shorts are fairly consistent as well.
Typical tactics include the following:
Flooding the offer side of the board
Ultimately the price of a stock is found at the balance point where supply (offer) and demand (bid) for the shares find equilibrium. This equation happens every day for every stock traded. On days when more people want to buy than want to sell, the price goes up, and, conversely, when shares offered for sale exceed the demand, the price goes down.
The shorts manipulate the laws of supply and demand by flooding the offer side with counterfeit shares. They will do what has been called a short down ladder. It works as follows: Short A will sell a counterfeit share at $10. Short B will purchase that counterfeit share covering a previously open position. Short B will then offer a short (counterfeit) share at $9. Short A will hit that offer, or short B will come down and hit Short A's $9 bid. Short A buys the share for $9, covering his open $10 short and booking a $1 profit.
By repeating this process the shorts can put the stock price in a downward spiral. If there happens to be significant long buying, then the shorts draw from their reserve of "strategic fails-to-deliver" and flood the market with an avalanche of counterfeit shares that overwhelm the buy side demand. Attack days routinely see eighty percent or more of the shares offered for sale as counterfeit. Company news days are frequently attack days since the news will "mask" the extraordinary high volume. It doesn't matter whether it is good news or bad news.
Flooding the market with shares requires foot soldiers to swamp the market with counterfeit shares. An off-shore hedge fund devised a remarkably effective incentive program to motivate the traders at certain broker dealers. Each trader was given a debit card to a bank account that only he could access. The trader's performance was tallied, and, based upon the number of shares moved and the other "success" parameters; the hedge fund would wire money into the bank account daily. At the end of each day, the traders went to an ATM and drew out their bribe. Instant gratification.
Global Links Corporation is an example of how wholesale counterfeiting of shares will decimate a company's stock price. Global Links is a company that provides computer services to the real estate industry. By early 2005, their stock price had dropped to a fraction of a cent. At that point, an investor, Robert Simpson, purchased 100%+ of Global Links' 1,158,064 issued and outstanding shares. He immediately took delivery of his shares and filed the appropriate forms with the SEC, disclosing he owned all of the company's stock. His total investment was $5205. The share price was $.00434. The day after he acquired all of the company's shares, the volume on the over-the-counter market was 37 million shares. The following day saw 22 million shares change hands - all without Simpson trading a single share. It is possible that the SEC has been conducting a secret investigation, but that would be difficult without the company's involvement. It is more likely the SEC has not done anything about this fraud.
Massive counterfeiting can drive the stock price down in a matter of hours on extremely high volume. This is called "crashing" the stock and a successful "crash" is a one-day drop of twenty-percent or a thirty-five percent drop in a week. In order to make the crash "stick" or make it more effective, it is done concurrently with all or most of the following:
Media Assault
The shorts, in order to realize their profit, must ultimately put the victim into bankruptcy or obtain shares at a price much cheaper than what they shorted at. These shares come from the investing public who panics and sells into the manipulation. Panic is induced with assistance from the financial media.
The shorts have "friendly" reporters with the Dow Jones News Agency, the Wall Street Journal, Barrons, the New York Times, Gannett Publications (USA Today and the Arizona Republic), CNBC and others. The common thread: A number of the "friendly" reporters worked for The, an Internet advisory service that short hedge-fund managers David Rocker and Jim Cramer owned. This alumni association supported the short attack by producing slanted, libelous, innuendo laden stories that disparaged the company, as it was being crashed.
One of the more outrageous stories was a front-page story in USA Today during a short crash of TASER's stock price in June 2005. The story was almost a full page and the reporter concluded that TASER's electrical jolt was the same as an electric chair - proof positive that TASERs did indeed kill innocent people. To reach that conclusion the reporter over estimated the TASER's amperage by a factor of one million times. This "mistake" was made despite a detailed technical briefing by TASER to seven USA Today editors two weeks prior to the story. The explanation "Due to a mathematical error" appeared three days later - after the damage was done to the stock price.
Jim Cramer, in a video-taped interview with The, best described the media function:
When (shorting) ... The hedge fund mode is to not do anything remotely truthful, because the truth is so against your view, (so the hedge funds) create a new 'truth' that is development of the fiction... you hit the brokerage houses with a series of orders (a short down ladder that pushes the price down), then we go to the press. You have a vicious cycle down - it's a pretty good game.
This interview, which is more like a confession, was never supposed to get on the air; however, it somehow ended up on YouTube. Cramer and The have made repeated efforts, with some success, to get it taken off of YouTube.
Pulling margin from long customers
The clearinghouses and broker dealers who finance margin accounts will suddenly pull all long margin availability, citing very transparent reasons for the abrupt change in lending policy. This causes a flood of margin selling, which further drives the stock price down and gets the shorts the cheap long shares that they need to cover.
Paid bashers
The shorts will hire paid bashers who "invade" the message boards of the company. The bashers disguise themselves as legitimate investors and try to persuade or panic small investors into selling into the manipulation. (Click here for Confessions Of A Paid Stock Basher).
This is not every trick the shorts use when they are crashing the stock. Almost every victim company experiences most or all of these tactics.
Analyst Reports
Some alleged independent analysts were actually paid by the shorts to write slanted negative ratings reports. The reports, which were represented as being independent, were ghost written by the shorts and disseminated to coincide with a short attack. There is congressional testimony in the matter of Gradiant Analytic and Rocker Partners that expands upon this. These libelous reports would then become a story in the aforementioned "friendly" media. All were designed to panic small investors into selling their stock into the manipulation.
Planting moles in target companies
The shorts plant "moles" inside target companies. The moles can be as high as directors or as low as janitors. They steal confidential information, which is fed to the shorts who may feed it to the friendly media. The information may not be true, may be out of context, or the stolen documents may be altered. Things that are supposed to be confidential, like SEC preliminary inquiries, end up as front-page news with the short-friendly media.
Frivolous SEC investigations
The shorts "leak" tips to the SEC about "corporate malfeasance" by the target company. The SEC, which can take months processing Freedom of Information Act requests, swoops in as the supposed "confidential inquiry" is leaked to the short media.
The plethora of corporate rules means the SEC may ultimately find minor transgressions or there may be no findings. Occasionally they do uncover an Enron, but the initial leak can be counted on to drive the stock price down by twenty-five percent. The announcement of no or little findings comes months later, but by then the damage that has been done to the stock price is irreversible. The San Francisco office of the SEC appears to be particularly close to the short community.
Class Action lawsuits
Based upon leaked stories of SEC investigations or other media exposes, a handful of law firms immediately file class-action shareholder suits. Milberg Weiss, before they were disbanded as a result of a Justice Department investigation, could be counted on to file a class-action suit against a company that was under short attack. Allegations of accounting improprieties that were made in the complaint would be reported as being the truth by the short friendly media, again causing panic among small investors.
Interfering with target company's customers, financings, etc.
If the shorts became aware of clients, customers or financings that the target company was working on, they would call and tell lies or otherwise attempt to persuade the customer to abandon the transaction. Allegedly the shorts have gone so far as to bribe public officials to dissuade them from using a company's product.
Disclaimer: This is not financial advice, this is not my work I'm just copy/pasting the article(bolding the most relevant parts, and re-ordering sub-chapters)
I'm long GME
submitted by StalksYouEverywhere to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

The case for Nano - a crypto YOLO with more upside than GME, NOK and AMC combined

Hear me out here. I think Nano is going to make us all rich. It's what's gonna get us all a Tesla, plus a second Tesla to launch to Jupiter and beyond 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 Altstreetbets, the crypto buddy of this holy sub, is already dtf with this.
# 1. What the f is Nano and why are you shilling this
To keep it short for us retards: Nano is a cryptocurrency that boasts zero fees, instant transfers (sub-second), is green, and increases the size of your pp. It has a good claim to being better than Bitcoin but has 1/1500th its market cap. Daddy Elon tweeted about whatever has least error & latency will win - that shit is literally what Nano is.
# 2. We're in this together
Apes together strong, right? Nano has a huge community, so big that most of the crypto subreddits aren't sure how to deal with the constant Nano enthusiasm. Not kidding, the banned Nanites could fill a subreddit by themselves. They're tireless on Reddit, Twitter, or anywhere else you dare utter that you pay fees for any crypto or money transfer. These are people that held through a 90% loss, then didn't sell when Nano suddenly pumped 400%. Diamond hands doesn't even begin to describe it. When the price pumped even slightly, they all jumped on it to pronounce Nano the best thing since before sliced bread, and went to town on Twitter and Reddit.
My point? AMPLIFICATION. As soon as Nano starts getting some price action, the Nanites will jump on it, will keep going, and they ARE. NOT. LEAVING.
# 3. Rumours of Nano being suppressed
The rumour that Nano is being suppressed by crypto miners and Bitcoin maximalists has been around for a very long time, and it makes sense. Nano works ridiculously well, and is there to eat the cake of all the miners who are raking in millions a day. BTC maxis and miners hate the word Nano, and have a strong incentive to literally pay to have it disappear from the face of the earth. Bitcoin influencers on Twitter have muted the word Nano because they know their thesis is fucked when it gets mentioned.
My point? F EM. Bitcoin is king, Bitcoin was literally birthed by the virgin Mary, and everything else is a 💩coin that doesn't deserve to pump. F THAT. And F maximalism in general. We're here to make money, and Bitcoin doesn't offer enough gains.
# 4. Solid pumpamentals
Aside from the strong community and the ridiculously good tech, it also has the other pumpamentals needed. It just got listed on AnchorUSD meaning it's now easy to buy in the US, and was recently added to KuCoin for 10x leveraged trading. Volume actively on the books on exchanges is low, right now it would take only $600k to pump it 30% on Binance pair. What else does it have as pumpamentals? The Nano team recently applied for the Coinbase listing and Coinbase just so happens to have removed pruning as a prerequisite from their website. Coincidence? Maybe, but when asked earlier Nano's lack of pruning was mentioned as the obstacle for a Coinbase listing. COINS GETTING LISTED ON COINBASE ALWAYS PUMP BECAUSE COINBASE HAPPENS TO BUY A BUNCH OF WHATEVER THEY'RE LISTING BEFORE THEY LIST IT.
Plus, it seems like we would have Raoul Pal from Real Vision Group in our camp. When he recently asked for altcoin recommendations the Nano Twitter shills did their job as usual, he replied to them it was a good thread. Coincidentally there was a huge (for Nano) buy order right around that time.
More pumpamentals? The Nano tagline writes itself. It transfers in the blink of an eye, it has no fees, it's greener than the big dildo that's currently fucking Melvin Capital, has the best wallet in all of crypto and can be demonstrated to anyone within a minute. It's the ultimate antidote to the high fees narrative of Bitcorn, and shames institutions for holding a CO2 emitting coal guzzler on their balance sheets through Bitcorn. As soon as the price starts going up, this thing sells itself. Hell, institutions can even buy it since recently through Bitcoin Suisse, where Nano was added because of demand. And keep in mind - this has a market cap of $450 million. Throwing $100 at Nano does more than throwing $1000 at AMC.
My point? Well, exactly the title. SOLID PUMPAMENTALS. Seriously this thing is so ready to be hyped.
# 5. The plan
Am I saying to leverage this x100 to pump it into the skies? Maybe, but also no. I am saying that whatever you do, Nano is going to pump anyway because if us retards can figure it out, others can too. This shit can be 10x leveraged on KuCoin without even needing to do KYC. I'm doing that right now, and am expecting you all to do the same. At a 3000% gain ($100) we can call this a success, if it gets to $250 I'll buy the top comment on this post a Tesla because fuck it, I'll be rich.
My credentials? My post karma when I posted this on another sub was 420. Due to the mass upvotes my total karma has now increased to 1337. I'm counting on this post shooting me to 42069. Need I say more?
Positivity, not disagreeing with anything I've said and more examples of solid pumpamentals (also places to leverage it more than 10x) are welcome in the comments ⬇
Edit: how to buy this shit? Binance (5x leverage), Kucoin (10x leverage, can send crypto from other exchanges there and 10x leverage without KYC), or Kraken. If you got other crypto already, there's changenow. For Europe, Bitvavo is best.
Edit: Seems this shit is working, I'm currently up 80%. Don't worry, I'm not selling until this shit hits at least $250 so I can buy the top comment his Tesla.
submitted by Tomorroed to Wallstreetbetsnew [link] [comments]

An entitled mother tried to assault me and her daughter saved me from the cops!!!

I'm 16 and I'm a huge Sonic fan. I have mental health problems such as depression and suicidal thoughts but Sonic has always put a smile on my face. This happened back in April of 2020. In the UK covid really hit around late March and many people I knew were infected. The only good thing that year was I got to see the Sonic Movie twice before Covid shut down cinemas. So I bought a Sonic Face mask from the Sega shop online in the UK and I got a lot of praise telling me how cool it was. One person didn't like the fact that I had it.
I went out one day cause I was on a small diet and I fancied some Zero Sugar Pink Lemonade so I went to ASDA. As I'm trying to find it I hear a little kid
"Wow that's so cool! I love your mask"
I look down and see a 7 year old girl and I smile under the mask which was pointless cause she couldn't see it.
"Yeah I know right? Its awesome. You can get it for £10 mostly £8 but £2 for delivery"
Which that £2 actually goes to a charity that makes face masks.
"Cool alright see ya gotta go fast!"
And the little girl runs back to her mother making me super happy that she said those words "gotta go fast" anyway I continue my shopping. Only a minute later I hear a loud "Ahem!" And I ignore it thinking someone was trying to get an employee's attention until I felt a strong hand on my shoulder making me turn quite violently.
"You! I've been trying to ask you something for 3 minutes you R word I hate hearing it"
I stood in shock cause another thing to mention i hate being forcefully moved by strangers if they simply tapped my shoulder I wouldn't have minded but nope this crazy a**hole had to spin me forcefully.
"My daughter wants your mask! Give!"
She put out her hand as if she was expecting me to give it to her so I reply:
"I'm sorry but this is my mask. I bought it with my own money I can't ju-"
"Oh shut up you f*cking gay fag" she called me this cause of my pink hair and I think she assumed I was gay which I'm not btw.
I see the sweet little girl telling her mother "mommy I don't want his mask I want one that is his on a website he got the mask from..."
Then the mother goes "I'M NOT PAYING £10 FOR A STUPID MASK!!!" Me being the smart ass I am I went
"But you are paying about...£100 on 9 bottles of wine?"
I saw her trolley and saw it nearly full of alcohol. This made her angrier and she even tried to punch me cause I looked older and was freakishly tall but the thing is I quit Judo bout 5 years ago and have played football for 3 so I have gotten some kind of self defense skill so before she could punch me I kid you not I caught her fist and her being stupid I pulled down her arm whilst she tried to pull it up so I smirked and let go which caused her to punch herself in the face like a moron she fell backwards and knocked into her trolley.
An employee came over to see and ask what was going on but I couldn't get a word in because the lady was screaming about how I assaulted her and was trying to rape her little girl. The employee didn't even try to listen to my side as he immediately grabbed his manager.
The police were called and I was about to be arrested because there was no other witnesses or a camera at the aisle we were at but my saviour stepped up and you know who it was? It was the little girl.
"Excuse me police me?"
She tugged one of the police men's pants and he looked down at her.
"That man isn't bad it was mommy"
She explained the best she could and it was enough for them to piece together that the mother tried to assault me and I self defended myself. She was arrested for assault and another charge I don't remember but here is the best part. Apparently she wasn't even allowed to see her daughter cause she had violent drunken behaviour problems and that she kidnapped her daughter from school and went to get alcohol. Needless to say she's in jail idk how long but it was worth it seeing her screaming at me when she saw me leave the ASDA whilst she was sitting in the backseat of a police car. Before I left the employee apologised to me but I told him how unbelievably rude he was about how he wasn't interested to hear my side of the story as it was scary and terrifying to me. The manager let me go home with a 6 pack of Zero Sugar Pink Lemonade.
Edit 1: Wow thank you all so much. I woke up seeing all the comments and praise. It means a lot of me. Just one quick thing I want to clarify that some people are getting a bit concerned. The little girl was taken by the police and she knew were she and her dad lived so she directed the Police and she's now safe with her father. Also I'm not asking anyone to believe me I'm just simply telling my experience.
Edit 2: The employee who ignored me and nearly got me arrested he was fired after he was following a black family around as he thought they were stealing when they were simply placing shopping in their trolley. Racist piece of shit!
submitted by LinkPlayz19 to entitledparents [link] [comments]

WIBTA if I bought my abusive ex's house?

This morning I found out my ex's house is on sale. It wasn't a huge surprise because, well I have heard he was having financial problems, and he was never smart about money, or anything else.
This was a man who mentally abused me, kicked me out of the house and treated me like utter shit. My life improved significantly after we broke up, but I tried to stay friends because I understood he was mentally ill and his behaviour wasn't always his fault.
He owed me a bunch of money, and in 2018 he asked me for a year's time to get it together- I said yes. Time comes and he says he'd pay me 200 euro/month. He paid the first month then decided to start a fight with me on Twitter as a pretext to not continue to pay.I was hurt, but such is life.
Aaaand, today I saw his house for sale. It's a great house. I always liked it. I always wanted one like it.
And I can afford to buy it upfront.
And I looked at the pics and realised that holy HELL I want that house. Because it would give me closure about the way he treated me. Because, well it would mean the end of a bad cycle.
But it's weird... right? I mean, it could be regarded as a cheap and mean kicking someone when he's down...
and we have common friends who may look down on me
WIBTA if I bought the house?
TLDR: Abusive ex's house is on sale and i really like it. WIBTA if I bought it

So, I had a talk to our common friends. And I sent my Ex a message and asked him if he minded if i bought his house.
So it turns out he has to sell the house because he didnt make mortgage in a while, on account of not having a job anymore. So he HAS to sell, and this being an auction sort of thing, if I put in the highest big I buy it and he's OK with that.
Our common friends, as in the good part of them, were horrified that we all had to find out from the house selling website. So the question became, ok he sells and where will he go?
So... two of them will go check on his mental state this weekend and see what his plans are, and I will try to buy the house. We may have to refer him to mental health services.
we were together for a total of 6 months, from January to July 2017. It didn't work out because of his issues, but after I moved I continued to live at hisplace, renting out the top floor. After we broke up we were on good terms, he even looked after me when I broke my foot.
But he is a deeply unstable person. He is an alcoholic with a weird cyclic depression thing and possibly BPD, so now he's ok and in 5 minutes he may go insane.
Before the money thing, we were quite friendly. Then he decided that instead of tellng me he couldnt pay me he would go be an ass about it. We were friends longer than we dated.
And I want to buy the house because I loved it since the second I saw it. And maybe i want to make good memories there, but the idea of getting one over him never entered my mind. I mean, the guy is not OK. The Universe had f-ed him up in a lot of ways. IU'm having the best year in my life. It would be kind of... mean isn't it?

submitted by mizrakeen to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]


What’s good newcomers, OG’s, Millennials, Boomers, boys, girls, 🦍, 🍉 and former 🥭 tweet enjoyers.
It’s ya boy here, ElJefe and boyyyyyy do I have something to share with you!
Hold onto your seats, because what I’m about to share IS a doozy and it might help make a lot of connections with what the fuck is going on related to this whole GME fiasco, that is now turning into some chance opportunity for $SLV to return to the main stage as another “squeeze opportunity”.
Listen we all should know by now that the news we are shown is mostly used to control a narrative for a certain group and this is NO DIFFERENT OF A TIME. The thing that is so unique with this situation is how intertwined things are more than you are lead to believe.
Does anyone find it amazing that 1 company Robinhood) was able capture the attention of millions upon millions of NEW retail investors by simply creating an app that is understandable and is easy to use? Think of it, Robinhood opened the door to change people’s lives by guiding them through the transaction process for stocks and people started to open their eyes and realize that making money to sustain your life doesn’t need to take a whole bunch of your time away from you.
So here is where the story begins.
Robinhood as many of you know was heavily funded by a Market Maker that is known as Citadel (previously Wellington management, which was founded in 1933 by Walter L. Morgan(weird coincidence, but maybe popular name in the day 🙃) as the first balanced mutual fund).
Citadel not only is a market maker, but they also are the providers of a certain component of the transaction process known as immediate or cancel interface. Check out “Citadel Connect” - which essentially is known for the immediate or cancel interface that is baked directly into the transaction process for Brokerages. So they have their hand in a lot of cookie jars across brokerages, to say the least. They also provide a system of algorithmic trading that helps automatic trading for their clients and more! Check out their website, it is eye opening the power this single company really has over the exchange.
Now keep in mind from before, Citadel gave Robinhood a SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT OF MONEY to get them going because they saw a huge opportunity with having MORE retail traders joining the party and that opportunity was DATA. Citadel has instant and live trading data access to every single trade you make (hence why you usually notice an immediate opposing force from the stock you are buying - buy call and stock goes down right away, buy put and stock goes up right away), this is not something you are imagining, Citadels algorithm is literally taking this data in real time, and placing the most favorable trade for Citadel, which usually starts mind fucking you with your position right off the bat. Remember emotional trading will always lose, and they fuck with your emotions IMMEDIATELY (usually).
So Robinhood —> Citadel.
Next is JP Morgan. The banker. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait up. A Morgan started the original Citadel (Wellington), remember? Seems like a killer coincidence! Is Walter somehow related to John Pierpont? Even if indirectly, they bare the same family name... hmmm weird, but I can’t seem to find any relation on good old Google! So we’ll leave this just as a coincidence.
Back to JP Morgan - they would be the next in line to pay up or default and they are fully aware of the immensity of an infinite squeeze and now are in a position where they would be ones losing huge amounts of money. They have a lot of smart people working for them that quickly caught onto this and starting creating a contingency plan of some kind of to recoup some of the losses they are about to experience.
This is where $SLV/Silver comes into play and WHY YOU ARE SEEING IT POP UP MORE FREQUENTLY.
For those who unaware, $SLV is the ishares Silver Trust (which is blackrock’s silver etf). The silver squeeze IS something to have happened before and guess who was able to benefit SIGNIFICANTLY off of the sell off of the last $SLV rally... JP Morgan. How’d they do this? They shorted the fuck out of it. Check out JP Morgan’s history with the precious metals market - They paid, but still made out like bandits with profits.
Weird how when JP Morgan is about to lose a metric fuck ton of money, $SLV all of a sudden becomes “viral” and we start seeing it popping up everywhere as the “next squeeze”, but maybe just a coincidence, right?
Recap Robinhood —> Citadel —> JP Morgan would be the defaulted order. JP Morgan will need to recoup losses somehow, and what better way then A short on Silver whilst writing options during the run up?
Hence why $SLV has became viral.
So in essence. Stay the fuck away from Silver stocks unless you really know what you’re doing. Our mission is to focus on 💎🤲🏻ing GME. EVERYTHING ELSE THAT IS BEING SHILLED IS A DISTRACTION.
Also, Citadel should be another entity we are burning at the stake, not just Robinhood. Citadel is pulling off the greatest heist in history and the rest of the hedgies are just benefiting from this fiasco.
$SLV CREW 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
GME & AMC CREW 👑👑👑👑👑👑🤴🤴🤴🤴🤴🤴🤴🤴🤴👑👑👑👑👑👑
submitted by Itsme_eljefe to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

I catfished a former boss to get paid

I used to work for a married couple, Billy (M52) and Gigi (F44), who owned a business services/public relations agency. It lasted more or less for a year. They seemed nice and humble but in reality, they were shady and untruthful. The company began to falter because of poor management and zero intention to prioritize. Billy was your baby faced next-door neighbor type. He looked about ten years younger and had a "kind" smile. He was soft-spoken and had an artistic and creative flair to him. Gigi looked matronly with a Mother Earth incarnate attitude towards her children. She prided herself on "being ruthless" when it came to giving her family only the best. She could be really nice when she wanted to, but I found out early on that she was 100% apt at gossip and being two-faced.
The company's constant changes were a red flag. They went from Business Services + PR Agency to IT provider, to a business incubator, to "indie beer partners". What I'm trying to say is that they tried to dip their donut on everyone's coffee, figurately. Some of us had no real way to escape. The lady working next to me was already 67 years old and scared that no one would hire her. I wasn't in a great place either. We were 8 employees in total. They wouldn't lay anyone off because they believed that the employee should quit.
They paid us only a portion of our salaries ( incomplete weekly payments). Employees would run for the hills once they found a better job. Some of us were stuck. It was horrible. Then, they would pay the normal rate for a month and then do it again. They never cut down on their luxury expenses, so the wife would post her shopping sprees or arrive in a new car like it was nothing. Zero empathy. Very insensitive.
The husband was obsessed with making it big time. So much, that he sometimes failed to see an opportunity right in front of him. He said he was Coca Cola's brand manager. I swear I looked it up and could never find any reference. Gigi had a display full of small local magazines (mostly about design and architecture). They were very proud to be a "team member" but in reality, they just helped them print two issues. They wanted "big business only", but in the meantime, looked down upon tangible potential clients. Like the young Latino couple who showed up trying to learn more about their services. They seemed "lost" because they wanted someone to help them set up a coffee business and had no idea how it was done. I talked to them and helped them into the waiting room. They even showed up with their baby in a stroller. That means they must have driven by and decided to come in. An impulsive client should be retained. The guy said his grandpa had a farm and he wanted to create an import/exports company. Once Billy showed up, he listened for a bit, then kind of gave them a kind of an abrupt dismissal. That was a dick move because that couple opened their own business with someone else and even have a FB page. It could have been Billy.
Billy lined his office walls with posters of Steve Jobs and Elon Musk. His wife, the Chief Enabling Officer, put up signs on each room. The main employee area was "the machine room", Billy's office was "the chamber", the conference room was "a meeting of the minds". Every time an employee disagreed with Billy during a brainstorming session, Gigi would call them aside and tell them that "Billy is your boss. You need to know that he is brilliant and a genius. I want him to have that taste of success". I experienced that first hand. I also hated brainstorming because that was never on my job description. They just wanted to pick everyone's brains. In the meantime, we had to see the Pandora jewelry, the expensive makeovers for their daughters, and the "weekend at the spa" updates on FB. Gigi's captions were usually about rewarding herself after a "hard week" or "because she deserved it". Oh! And I'd like to mention that they bought into the "social guru" phrases about "emotional direction". So if an employee ever got angry, Gigi would tell you "remember the one who gets angry is the one who ends up losing".
For anyone who's been in this situation, you may understand how painful it can be. You cannot leave the job because you have no other job waiting for you, and pathetic as it may sound to some, "some income" is better than no income at all. This is an involuntary compromise and it's abusive. Why were we expected to pay for their luxuries via incomplete wages?
My best friend's ex is into coding and programming and he agreed to help. If it didn't work out, at least we would have something to laugh about. We created a kick-ass fake website with a matching LinkedIn and the whole nine yards. To make a long story short, this was supposed to be an investment company and my friend would be very casual. Nothing too eager.
He started by liking my employer's FB page. Then comment. Before we knew, my boss took the bait and was engaging. They exchanged emails and he was eager to share all his "projects and ambitious shit". On the other side, the investor sent him a list of requirements, like proof of concept, employer payroll, EIN #, etc. the investor "agreed" to work them if they could prove they were legit and up to date. No bank account of confidential info was asked.
Within three weeks, I was paid the equivalent to the 2 months and a half I was owed. The investor did an about-face and never contacted him again. I left the job as soon as I could. My friend who remained until she got paid told me our boss seemed "off" and a bit down after he announced "big things are coming" but it all seemed to deflate. I never disclosed what was really going on.
Edit: my boss wasn't scammed into paying money to the fake website. He was catfished into getting up to date with employee salaries that he owed. Edit: I expanded the story. Edit: For anyone who doesn't understand the story, no money was paid, asked from or wired from my boss to the investor. We baited his greedy character and told him that if he could prove everything was in order, the investment would happen This included the payroll. No confidential info was asked nor offered, seen or reviewed. He paid everyone what he owed them. The payment was made to each worker as normally. No one stole money via any website. He just made the dilligence. Ein numbers and what we asked are not confidential.
submitted by Pristine-Accident-74 to ProRevenge [link] [comments]

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