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Thoughts on the relation between Philip K Dick and Baudrillard?

I was reading this 1978 speech by post-modernism's favourite science-fiction author Philip K Dick, and while I am very far from being an expert on Baudrillard, the similarities to aspects of the latter's work are quite interesting.
He begins:
let me bring you official greetings from Disneyland. I consider myself a spokesperson for Disneyland because I live just a few miles from it…
Later, regarding his frustration at being unable to define reality any better than "that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away":
But the problem is a real one, not a mere intellectual game. Because today we live in a society in which spurious realities are manufactured by the media, by governments, by big corporations, by religious groups, political groups — and the electronic hardware exists by which to deliver these pseudo-worlds right into the heads of the reader, the viewer, the listener. Sometimes when I watch my eleven-year-old daughter watch TV, I wonder what she is being taught. The problem of miscuing; consider that. A TV program produced for adults is viewed by a small child. Half of what is said and done in the TV drama is probably misunderstood by the child. Maybe it’s all misunderstood. And the thing is, Just how authentic is the information anyhow, even if the child correctly understood it? What is the relationship between the average TV situation comedy to reality? What about the cop shows? Cars are continually swerving out of control, crashing, and catching fire. The police are always good and they always win. Do not ignore that point: The police always win. What a lesson that is. You should not fight authority, and even if you do, you will lose. The message here is, Be passive. And — cooperate...
So I ask, in my writing, What is real? Because unceasingly we are bombarded with pseudo- realities manufactured by very sophisticated people using very sophisticated electronic mechanisms. I do not distrust their motives; I distrust their power. They have a lot of it. And it is an astonishing power: that of creating whole universes, universes of the mind... Of course, I would say this, because I live near Disneyland, and they are always adding new rides and destroying old ones. Disneyland is an evolving organism. For years they had the Lincoln Simulacrum, like Lincoln himself, was only a temporary form which matter and energy take and then lose. The same is true of each of us, like it or not.
I consider that the matter of defining what is real — that is a serious topic, even a vital topic. And in there somewhere is the other topic, the definition of the authentic human. Because the bombardment of pseudo- realities begins to produce inauthentic humans very quickly, spurious humans — as fake as the data pressing at them from all sides... Fake realities will create fake humans. Or, fake humans will generate fake realities and then sell them to other humans, turning them, eventually, into forgeries of themselves. So we wind up with fake humans inventing fake realities and then peddling them to other fake humans. It is just a very large version of Disneyland... In my writing I got so Interested in fakes that I finally came up with the concept of fake fakes. For example, in Disneyland there are fake birds worked by electric motors which emit caws and shrieks as you pass by them. Suppose some night all of us sneaked into the park with real birds and substituted them for the artificial ones. Imagine the horror the Disneyland officials would feet when they discovered the cruel hoax... The park being cunningly transmuted from the unreal to the real...
He ends:
Perhaps time is not only speeding up; perhaps, in addition, it is going to end. And if it does, the rides at Disneyland are never going to be the same again. Because when time ends, the birds and hippos and lions and deer at Disneyland will no longer be simulations, and, for the first time, a real bird will sing.
Baudrillard did in fact mention Dick in his essay on science fiction as well as in Simulacra and Simulation (1981). In the latter, he references Dick's works as an example of:
An experimentation with all the different processes of representation: defraction, implosion, slow motion, aleatory linkage and decoupling... in short a culture of simulation and of fascination, and not always one of production and meaning
In the same work he also wonders whether
Perhaps science fiction from the cybernetic and hyperreal era can only exhaust itself, in its artificial resurrection of "historical" worlds, can only try to reconstruct in vitro, down to the smallest details, the perimeters of a prior world, the events, the people, the ideologies of the past, emptied of meaning, of their original process, but hallucinatory with retrospective truth. Thus in Simulacra by Philip K. Dick, the war of Secession. Gigantic hologram in three dimensions, in which fiction will never again be a mirror held toward the future, but a desperate rehallucination of the past.
This article I later found goes into more detail about the relation between the two
While I would hesitate to make the leap to say that one influenced the other (I highly doubt that Dick, who nowhere in his writings or interviews mentions contemporary philosophy/critical theory/sociology, had ever heard of Baudrillard, or that Baudrillard read Dick's obscure essay), it is fun to speculate… Although the rest of Dick’s essay strays from territory directly relevant to Baudrillard, discussing the mystical experiences and Gnosticism which characterise Dick’s post-1974 works, Dick’s conclusion could provide an optimistic reply to the problem of "fake realities" set out by the two. For Dick, the "bombardment of pseudo-realities" is ultimately able to be resisted by the 'authentic' human being, a being characterised as:
one of us who instinctively knows what he should not do, and, in addition, he will balk at doing it. He will refuse to do it, even if this brings down dread consequences to him and to those whom he loves. This... is the ultimately heroic trait of ordinary people; they say no to the tyrant and they calmly take the consequences of this resistance. Their deeds may be small, and almost always unnoticed, unmarked by history... I see their authenticity in an odd way: not in their willingness to perform great heroic deeds but in their quiet refusals. In essence, they cannot be compelled to be what they are not.
I’m not sure if this is particularly interesting to anyone else, but I would love to hear anyone else’s thoughts on the relation between the two! In any case, I have to recommend Dick’s novels as incredibly visionary works of philosophical fiction which were personally my introduction to philosophy and theology as a teenager, and which also have a wealth of secondary literature interpreting it through Marxist, anarchist, post-modernist etc. lenses
submitted by sasquatchfiasco to CriticalTheory [link] [comments]


hey there! I am not in the pathway of any religion but lately I have been seeing the Hecate name. Some months before, I chose this name for my DnD not knowing the importance in the wiccan and goddesses world. Lately, her name suddenly appears everywhere, even on my SPOTIFY aleatory playlist! So, do you have any advice? What does this may mean for me? Let me know how to explore this? I am willing to become a witch and want to find my own way, and learn but I am not sure if Hecate is calling me... what do you think???


submitted by tjbmpw to Hecate [link] [comments]

The Re-Egofication of "French Theory": "REEEEEEEEEEEEE" goes my Ego!

I'm reading two books right now in parallax. I'm halfway through both, so this story is incomplete as of yet. But it's worth sharing what I've found thus far.
One is an ethnographic study of the post-Lacanian French psychoanalytic scene. It's the first book, published in '78, by the MIT professor who did the absolute best studies of children and microcomputers in the 80s, and the effects of computer simulation upon people and society in the 90s and 2000s. Now her latest work is on what screen-time and smartphones are doing to destroy kid's abilities to communicate.
But her first book is clearly the hidden ground for all the rest, and tells a very important story. Psychoanalysis was taken up very quickly in America in the early 1900s because America was very frontier-ish and didn't have too much of a culture yet, so people were eager to soak up a theory of self rooted in dreams. And then, quickly, American Psychoanalysis transformed something suitable for the American culture: a means of coping and strengthening the ego. In short order, psychoanalysis became "monopolized" (let's say) as a field of medicine, and its original larger scope of art and literary theory, social studies etc. was stymied. In America, Freud became synonymous with psychology and therapy, and the goal was having a robust, healthy ego.
France was a different story. Psychoanalysis didn't really take at the beginning because they already had culture and structure. The fourth French Republic was quite sturdy and self-secure already in it's pomp and pageantry, and had it's own home-grown psychology in the forms of Henri Bergson and Janet. Sure, some artists looked at psychoanalysis, however uncovering hidden motives, rooted in sex and incest, quite an anathema to a society built on strong family ties and rational thinking and rigid, clockwork social structure. Freud was some weird-ass subversive German.
Okay, let's switch track to the second book for a second. This book is about how the Freudian idea of the unconscious was taken up, in the 40s and 50s, by the Cyberneticists at the Macy Conference, and the founders of modern communication and information theory.] It came out in 2010. The author tells the story of Basic English, which was literally George Orwell's Newspeak—it's a real thing, and it was created in part by one of Marshall McLuhan's professors. Claude Shannon developed his information theory by putting Basic English at one end of a spectrum, and James Joyce's Finnegans Wake (McLuhan's primary reference text for his communications theory) on the other end, and developed the idea of information entropy.
To measure entropy, one see's how easily one can predict what comes next—and few words of course means higher degree of predictability and vice-versa. In doing this, Shannon turned the phonetic alphabet into an ideographic series of symbols, and measured them statistically in various books (lots of Us following Qs, plenty of Es, very few Xs, etc.). Information theory, of course, is absolutely essential to modern communications infrastructure, especially with signal/data compression, etc. For instance, highly "entropic" action films are harder to compress into digital video than talking head news-casts where little in the visual image changes. A single talking voice is better compressed in one audio codec than a high-fidelity, polyphonic orchestral piece better compressed with a different one.
But in it's beginning, information theory dealt with ENGLISH. Not just language—English. But not the spoken language English, but the alphabetically typed english where the letters were divorced from their meaning. In probability, the odds of an occurrence are measured against every other possible outcome. And in structural linguistics, a chosen symbol occurs in relation to every other symbol which might have occured. The Americans developing this stuff, living in their psychoanalytic culture, began to relate the chosen word to the conscious, compared to the unchosen structure of words not picked to Freud's unconscious. i.e. what was repressed. You know who was studying the Macy Conferences and the cyberneticists intently? Jacques Lacan.
Okay back to the first book. Psychoanalysis was relatively underground and ignored in France before 1968. "Psychoanlysis" meant, to the French, that awful American ego-centric kind—French psychoanalysts thought America had ruined Freud with their adaptation of his theories, steering him from the early dream stuff into the later superego-ego-id formalism.
But that summer, between May and June, there was a giant emancipatory nation-wide Marxist strike where everything shut down, workers seized all the means of production, and people roamed the streets and gushed their repressions for a while. Hippy shit, French style. Shit calmed down in literally two months and it was back to business, superficially, but psychologically everything changed. And all the best explanations for what-the-fuck just happened came from psychoanalysis, which became super popular literally overnight. And psychoanalysis in France was Jacques Lacan. And Derrida and Foucault and Deleuze and Guittari and a bunch of other names had been studying Lacan's cybernetic Freud, wherein the self/ego didn't have primacy. The self was "decentered", and the person was in-fact living in the Symbolic realm of structures in computer RAM, as a Turing Machine read-head hopping from symbol to symbol, having come from their infantile Imaginary in a doomed attempt to reach the Real.
Back to the second book: When so-called "French Theory" was translated back into English and imported into the United States, the mathematical basis for the theories were lost in translation. The word game, as in formal Game Theory (prisoner's dilemma, et. al) became conflated with play, as in a single move or just part or role or playing around, because the word jeux is used for both in French. And the term stochastic, as in the randomness of the Markoff chains used to analyze language by Shannon, became translated into aleatory, which has no formal mathematical meaning. The Americans who took up "post structural theory" had no clue that they were working in the same domain as the STEM department across the hall.
Like.... LACAN, DERRIDA, DELEUZE, GUITTARI, FOUCAULT are CYBERNETICISTS. Post modernism is literally about the subjective experience of living inside the contents of a medium. Like, I've been trying to say as much for several years, but it's actually fucking true.
So now, rather than continue with our books, let's make make some conjectures:
American psychoanlysis was ego-heavy, therapeutic, and institutionalized as a branch of psychological medicine. The French took up psychoanalysis as a larger, more universal cultural theory wherein the subconscious as a structured semiotic system had primacy over the now "de-centered" subject, like a CPU jumping around in RAM. And then that theory was imported back into America to flood into all the places psychoanalysis couldn't go, since it's not illegal to practice Post-Modernism without being licensed by the APA.
So where does Alone's narcissism come from? It's the return of the ego within the decentered structures of symbolic structures and media content as subconscious. The self grounded within, and existing within, external media—which was actually the whole theory the whole time, from its genesis, lost in translation. Americans need an ego—so they brought the ego back as narcissism after a decade of imported ego-less le robôFréud.
Hmmm... why does nobody feel like they belong in their bodies any more? 🤷‍♀️
submitted by clintonthegeek to thelastpsychiatrist [link] [comments]

excerpt from Freddy deBoer's new book, Cult of Smart, and a critique

In this spirit, I argue for universal childcare during the day for those too young for kindergarten and in the afternoons after school for those of elementary school age. Every child should have a safe, warm, nurturing place to go during conventional working hours regardless of who is raising them and whether their guardian(s) work or not. These programs, like universal K-12 education would not be means tested; every child would have a right to attend these programs regardless of their socioeconomic background. The exact starting date of pre-K would have to be negotiated; in my ideal world, free daycare would be available from birth.
The social benefits would be profound. For one, we’d have fewer young people on the street, fewer latchkey children forced to go home to empty apartments and houses, fewer children with nothing to do but stare at screens all day. Children who live in truly unhealthy home environments, whether because of abuse or neglect or addiction or simple poverty, would have more hours out of the day to spend in supervised safety. And the benefits to the parents would be just as large. Today, many parents are faced with an impossible choice: give up their career in order to raise young children, and lose that source of income and self-actualisation, or spend potentially huge amounts of money on childcare in order to work a job that might not even pay enough to cover that care. (The Economic Policy Institute estimates that pre-K childcare costs between $4,000 and $22,600 annually depending on the age of the child and location.) No one should be forced to make this choice. Universal childcare and afterschool care could save parents millions of dollars and help ease the incredible workload of raising a child.
The thesis of the rest of the book, I would like to politely debate. How influential is genetics on academic performance and intelligence? How do we learn? Through biology, or through experience and dialogue? Why doesn't he incorporate data from existing universal childcare centers in Europe into his analysis of universal childcare in the States?
Cult of Smart is about how the American education system fails children while politicians and school admins perpetuate an ideology where “every child can succeed no matter what” without taking into account that intelligence and academic performance is, according to deBoer, predominantly genetically inherited, and thus aleatory and up to chance. Some children just aren’t cut out for academic success. Those children should not be foreclosed from other types of success and all social happiness, but oftentimes their failure in school at an early age translates to economic failure in life. Is it because their parents are also retarded? If so, what can we do?
I wondered if that was the geist of deBoer’s carefully worded thesis while reading the first half of the book, but I honestly feel so stupid all the time that all science just flows over my smooth brain. So maybe someone who also read it can correct me. But it is clear that deBoer belives that “academic ability is significantly heritable, and that the influence of genetic parentage is much larger than the influence of the environment” (62). He even advocates for changing the age for legally dropping out to 12. But wait! deBoer also really, really wants the reader to know that “it’s perfectly consistent to believe the difference between individual students is largely genetic while the difference between racial groups is not” (111). Meaning, dumbness plays out genetically but some racial groups aren’t scoring lower on the intelligence tests than others (that deBoer points out to the reader, not me, mods!) not because of their race but because their parents just aren’t smart. Maybe I'm just not being charitable but I don't understand these paradoxes, perhaps because I'm trapped in my constructivist views on knowledge and believe the intelligence gaps have to do with environment (does mom work? how much screentime? what type of childcare?) not genetics unless you're inbred or have Downs Syndrome.
I think there is a marxist reason to support universal childcare beyond deBoer's reasoning, which is admittedly humanitarian grounds (“we should make our focus universal childcare, and we should defend it on progressive and humanitarian grounds… ). Universal childcare levels the playing field because compensating reproductive labor drives up wages and requires a large progressive income tax to fund, and so the system as is largely does not ever benefit upper and upper-middle class children's economic prospects since they go on to contribute a good bulk of their earnings to fund it, bringing their expected lifetime earnings down, closer to what working class children can expect to grow up and earn as adults. This is because true universal childcare involves universal infant care (which requires centers being within walking distance of children's homes) and universal healthcare, which are both enormously expensive, and the process of funding this expense restructures the economy in favor of the working class, encourages play-centered pedagogy to develop (look at how post-War Italy started communal childcare centers and the Reggio Emilia method emerged), and contributes to the maternal labor supply. It also increases fertility, and the birth rate in these countries rises, and we need our population to at least replace itself to sustain social programs.
submitted by sufferlittlekids to stupidpol [link] [comments]

Her father giving a hard time because I am still in school without a job...

Looking for thoughts and opinions...
I’m a 24 year old student, finishing up my undergrad this year, on track to doing a masters, and eventually med school. I met someone (24 yr old) through a good friend who is an out of state student at the med school in my city. Although I am behind 2-3 years to her (started late), we learned early on that we wanted to marry each other, despite the fact I will still be in school when she graduates. We have known each other now over 1.5 years. We told our moms from the moment we realized we wanted to get married about each other. We have kept everything halal from day one. We knew this is not something we want to postpone, considering I still have a few years of school. We are aware of how islamically it is not good to wait too long to marry when you already met someone.
Anyway, the issue here is her father. He doesn’t like that I have not yet gotten my undergrad and also that I am not working. Although I used to work, my father convinced me to stay home and focus on my studies and that he will provide for me an allowance. Alhamdulilah I’m very grateful for him and I am aware most people don’t get this kind of opportunity. I try to compensate by doing more around the house and other errands. My father insisted on even providing for me and the girl once I marry her until I can start my career. Again, incredibly thankful for his supporter. He understands that I am still in school, working towards my career. He also loves the girl very much, he is willing to support us through our journey. Alhamdulilah for parents like this.
Literally everyone is on board. Her whole family understands the situation and are accepting of it, except her father. Every time she tries to speak to him about us, he continues to give excuses like, how is he going to support you without a job. What will he do if you get pregnant or sick. Excuses that are either silly, or ones that we’ve aleatory addressed. Alhamdulilah I will be able to provide for her, through my fathers assistance at least the first 2-3 years, so money is not an issue, even if I am not working. And it’s not like I am sitting at home doing nothing. I am a full time student. This is my job.
Her father once told her that once I get my undergrad degree, we will then talk. She recently was fed up with his delaying and stood up to him, insisting that as soon as I graduate, we are doing our katb, or nikkah. He replied with “iA khair”.
Thought the last 1.5 years, I’ve sat down with both older brothers, her mom, and her dad, each separately, basically interrogated by each, and after all that, they all realized that yes the timing is not best, but in the end of the day it is our decision. Everyone except the father. He still continued to give excuses. We just recently invited the parents and her over for dinner. We didn’t talk about anything regarding marriage. Just a “get to know each other” ordeal. Me and the girl want to do a Fatiha in January and thought that by having them over for dinner, it would make the processes easier. Even after the dinner, she tells me her father is still giving excuses. What’s confusing is why would you accept our dinner invitation if you have issues with this, and not even talk about any of the problems you have when you were over our house... I mean he has never said “No” but is just giving excuses and a hard time. Which by the way is haram to do.
Not too be that guy, but aH I have a great relationship with everyone in the community, he could go ask whoever he wants, and they will all say good things about me and my family. I’m only saying this to show that it’s not like he would be marrying his daughter off to a bad family. To add to that, now I’m no perfect Muslim, but the man sees me every single Jum3a at the masjid. Again, it’s not like he’s marrying his daughter off to someone who doesn’t pray or tries to do his best with his deen. Again, I say these things in the most humble of way, but it’s just to show that islamically, I’m not a bad guy, my family isn’t a bad family. So it’s confusing as to what is preventing him from making this easy. It seems like he’s embarrassed to marry his daughter off to someone who will still be in school when she’s out. Or he might be expecting for a already accomplished doctor to come in, and not only financially support her, pay off her loans, but even support her family...
I’ve spoken to our local imam and I insisted that he get involved. He recommended not to get involved unless the father continues to give issues after I graduate. We are 6 months away. The girl and I ARE in love, we’ve had plenty of time to learn that we are, we are committed to each other and will fight this until we get that contract. Of course with Allahs will and permission. For now, it’s just a waiting game until May.
Any thoughts or opinions on the matter would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by SnooChocolates4905 to MuslimMarriage [link] [comments]

Karlheinz Stockhausen, a genius?

EDIT: I guess this might be the most controversial post on Reddit in 2020 and for the years to come.
I've discovered this guy yesterday, I've heard some of his Klavierstücke, the helicopter quartet, Telemusik etc... My question is really simple: how can you call that stuff "art"?
I see people saying that he's a genius, beautiful composition, avant-garde and all that stuff. Really? Are you kidding me? The aleatory thing might be "interesting", but I would call it an experiment, something made just for fun, but NEVER music. It looks like a big internet troll where everyone is just trolling each other or where some people want to look smart or something by saying that they can appreciate this kind of music. Get outta here, come on.
His compositions are like making a dish with 100 ingredients all mixed up, where they just don't fit with each other and maybe sometimes there's one that is good with another one, but just because of chance. It's like writing a poem with all the letters from the alphabet, without even making a word. It's like dressing with every existing color.
I mean, if he felt like that those notes were the right ones to express something he was feeling, ok good for him, but it just didn't work. If you like his music, good for you, but rock, pop, classical music, jazz, blues, electronic, country etc... still exist, but I don't see his experimentations still alive. Same thing goes for Arnold Schönberg btw.
It's like esperanto, it just failed. You can't create a language that is the result of an evolution in history and culture out of thin air. Same thing goes for music. He just threw away all the stuff that we learned, all the concepts of nature that determine what the human hear finds pleasant and he replaced it with math and randomness.
And let's be clear here, I'm not saying that experimentation is bad. Of course not. Try new stuff, break the rules, make some dissonances, have fun and find a new amazing sound. Do it, really. I think that this is necessary if we want to express ourselves at our fullest and if we want to create something new, but Karlheinz Stockhausen just failed.
And let's be honest, if tomorrow I make music like he did, everyone would just laugh at me. Is it because people are ignorant and can't appreciate this kind of "art"? No, it's because this is a huge joke where no-one is laughing.
I bet that even Karlheinz Stockhausen didn't like his own compositions. It looks like he did what he did to make people talk about him and just to be noticed. I guess he was the "kool kid" back there. Well, Karlheinz, if this was your purpose, you did it. Nice.
I don't know guys, it just hurts me and makes me laugh when I see people applauding after an orchestra performs one of his compositions.I think they just applaud so they don't think about the 80€ they spent for the performance.
Ok, now let's be serious for a minute. Am I missing something about his great work? Do I need to become God to understand this kind of expression? For real, tell me your opinions about this topic, I really want to understand.

EDIT: Ok, a lot of people think that I'm the type of guy that only likes music made in the "traditional" way and that music made in new ways shouldn't be considered music. This is not what I think. I respect taste in everything, even in music.
I also respect all types of music, even Stockhausen. Yeah, I don't like that type music, but I respect it.
I think that the point that I'm trying to make is the following:
Stockhausen did nothing wrong. He just composed music. You like it? Great. You don't like it? Great. I don't care.BUT!
Technically he composed music and technically if I play the C Major chord for 2 seconds I made music.BUT!
Can we all agree that if I bring a dish with poop to Masterchef the chefs are gonna tell me that it just sucks and they don't want to eat my poop? Yeah, technically they just don't like it and have a different taste. I might love eating my poop, it's a taste, and I respect it!
But reality is different. Technically they can't say that poop sucks because they should say that they don't like it. But is it really like this? Let's be honest guys.
I think that Stockhausen did nothing wrong. I think he made some bad music and by saying this I'm saying a wrong thing. I should just say that I don't like or even understand Stockhausen.
I'm trying to say that something is bad because 99% of people don't like it. Technically 99% of people have a different taste so I shouldn't say that something is bad because most of the people say it's bad, but reality is different.
So, technically this post shouldn't exist because I just don't like Stockhausen and tastes are tastes. I just don't like it and I shouldn't say that he's a bad composer.
Idk... I hope I explained myself.
TL;DR Reality is different.
EDIT 2: Woooooow, the downvotes tho. Imagine if I started insulting everyone's family, I would have -99999999 karma.
submitted by Bhaaldi to musictheory [link] [comments]

I need your help to find out what is going on.

Hi. I am new on reedit and I come direct to the premonition topic to find people with similar experiences just like those I had along my life.
First, i need to say that I am a rational person, not spiritualized, not believe and God, aliens, and that kind of stuff (but nowadays I am starting do doubt of myself).
Considering all the experiences I had, I am trying to figure out what the hell it is going on.
My intention is to bring a serious report that might be happening with other people too.
This is not a horror story for entertainment. It is serious stuff. One of the experiences I had was bad. Two were good experiences of premonition and one was a neutral visual experience (not good neither bad).
I apologize in advance for any errors with my english.
At the end I will try to rise all probabilities that I believe are reasonable and I hope you can help me with more data from your own experiences.
So, let´s begin.
  1. When I was 6 year old my father went to travel and I went to sleep with my mom. I remember it was winter solstice because my mom told me that that night would be the longest night in the year. My mom used very heavy blanket since in Brasil heating systems was not popular at that time. Time passed and I couldn't sleep. But at some point I was laying on side and I remember to feel a uncomfortable poking under my body. It was like a finger slowly poking my ribs. Not scratching, not aggressive, just a finger slowly rising from the bad and poking in different parts of my side ribs (I didn't know if it was a finger, I just felt like one). I didn't move because I was petrified of fear. I didn't woke up my mother since I thought she would not believe and though that I was crazy or something like that (I was just a kid). My only wish was that night to finish as soon as possible. At some point the finger stopped, but I was in alert mode and couldn't sleep as well. At some point my vision started to became white turve as if I was getting blind. When all was white suddenly something pull one of my foot and I immediately grabbed the headboard of the bed and started to scream asking help to my mom. My mom was in a deep sleep and took some seconds to wake up. When she did she stood up, and before she turned on the light, I was feeling nothing more. I was crying in complete shock and my mom though it was a nightmare. She only told me to pray and ask protection of my guardian angel. And I did. And I slept well. Now I am 33 yo and I keep sleeping in shrunken mode just in case. So this was a bad experience that never left my mind because I felt like a hand grabbing my foot and pulling just like the stories people use to tell to kids. Some might say it could be a nightmare, but it was so vivid to me. And what happens next give me more proofs.
  2. Time passed and I became a teenager. The financials of my family was not good and I started to work, but for some time I was struggling in shit jobs. I was really wanting to have some good luck and win the lottery so I could help my family have a better life. At that same time I started to have some lucid dreams at night. I decided to make some experiences and try to control the dream. It worked one or two times. Then, one night I dreamed with a suited man using a wolf mask. I had full notion I was dreaming but at the same time I felt very heavy and lazy. The man ask me to get close so he could whisper in my ear. I did it and he started to say numbers. I immediately understood that those were numbers could serve for the lottery. And I started to make correlations so I could remember the numbers next day. When the man was telling me the last two numbers I didn't hear well as if the sound was getting distance. I remember to ask him to repeat the numbers but I was so heavy and lazy that I fall asleep. Next day I woke up very convinced about that numbers. It was a uncommon sensation. It is the sensation of the victory before a play. I used the numbers that I remembered from the dream and two more aleatory numbers. Next day I discover that I won the minor prize! (Around R$ 280).
  3. Time passed again and now I was at the high school. I think it worth it to give you some context. I drop everything in the countryside to study (even knowing I had no money enough to that). I went to live with my sister in a big city in the south of Brazil. I used to get a metro (train) to go to the university. My course offered extra classes on Saturdays and I did the possible to be there. One Saturday I get the train back to the capital. It was midday. I used to stay in the front wagons so I could leave before everybody and not get stuck in the crowd. I leaved the wagon, went through a tunnel above the earth, and when I was in the middle of the way the most incredible experience happened to me. In 2 or 3 second something took control of my body and a voice entered my mind saying. "You are going to be robbed". And my body was now normal again. Ok, let´s stop so I can tell you some details. I didn't identified the gender of the voice. It could be masculine or feminine. I just remember It was plain and calm. No one was near me since when I left the train I walked very fast to not get stuck in the crowd. It was not like a thinking. It was more vivid, like you hearing someone whispering in your ear. But it was definitely an internal voice, not external. My first though was: "OMG, what was that?!" because it was something unexpected. I knew it was not a common thinking. I just kept walking and when I leaved the tunnel 5 minutes later a man call me. When I look to him I immediately understood what would going to happen. I run, but got stuck between two very busy avenues and I was robbed in the day light. I will not tell you the details of the robbery because that was common and all that time my mind was impressed with that premonitory confirmation. All I will tell you is that I had nothing in value to be robbed and the man just let me go. Even my cellphone was a very despicable one. After that I called my sister and told everything to her. I remember to wait for the bus and think: "I don´t know what was that but now I know that there is something more that is beyond common knowledge".
  4. Ok, some months later I moved to the university city and went to live in a students republic. One night I arrived from work and went to the backyard enjoy my new MP3 device. I was so happy. I lay down over a stone bank just looking to the stars while hearing music. It was a warm night. It was a very big yard. Some points was very well lit while others was dark. Suddenly my eyes were attracted by some movement in the shadows. Ok, I need to give you more details about that. There is a private space we call light square, where people from the light providers use to enter to measure how much the house owners spend moth to month. That space was limited with 2 meter walls and iron fence, almost like a giant cage. It was dark but I could see like a head going up and down the wall spying on me. At the beginning I got petrified try to understand what was that. It was like a had, mas the way it moved was uncommon. I got scared. I thought. "Is that a robber? I need to get in security". I immediately run to the kitchen door and it was locked inside. My gosh! I started to beat the door like I was punching someone while I call for my friends until some good heart opened to me (I was so scared that I don't remember who did it). I told everybody what happened and my friends went in group and with flashlights to verify (I stayed away). Nothing was there and the access door was locked (remember it was like a cage. No way to run).
More than 12 years passed and nothing more occurred, so end of story, at least for now.
So, time to think.
Please notice that those stories are very different experiences. The first one was contact, the second and third was premonitory and the forth I believe was a visual contact. The first experience could be nightmare or a very vivid dream. It seemed very real to me. I have trauma until today. The second experience about the lottery could be just coincidence, but when you look together with the third experience from the train, It seems something bigger. At the same time, if you look to the third experience alone, you should say that hear voices could be schyzophrenia symptoms. But it never happened again and Schyzophrenia has reoccurrences, right? And gain, when you look to the whole picture, it doesn't seem to be this. The forth experience could be everything from illusion to mistake. But when I look to all those experiences I really believe that it was pretty sure something more.
So we need to take care about what all this means. Your cultural background can influence your opinions about all this stuff. Someone might say it was aliens, other can say it is something related to religion. I try to stay very openminded and maybe we can find another clues with more people bringing other experiences.
Until now the spiritism books was what most filled in the gaps. I read The Mediuns Book and The Spirits Book, both from Alan Kardek who was a skeptical man just like me. But I hope you can bring some more clues to this search.
If you read until here, thank you very much. I hope you can add knowledge to this report. If you have suggestions about other groups that might be interest to this report, please feel free to suggest.
submitted by intj_rik to Premonition [link] [comments]

A computational theory of emanation (spellcasting) - TERENARIAN SYNTHESIS

This computational theory should answer the following questions: What is the goal of the computation, why is it appropriate, and what is the logic of the strategy by which it can be carried out?
As in Marr’s model for vision, this one is a highly interdisciplinary one. To comprehend emanation, we can look at brain-damaged patients carried out by clinical neuropsychologists. Patients with damage to the left temporal lobe and left frontal lobe – areas of the brain that when damaged tend to produce what is known as Wernicke’s aphasia and Broca’s aphasia respectively – are known to have problems not only in language-processing, but also in emanation (spellcasting).
Broca’s aphasia’s most salient feature is decreased fluency of spontaneous speech (fluency, prosody, grammar and meaning, paraphasias, articulation). This language disorder, usually caused by infarct in the territory of the left middle cerebral artery (MCA) superior division, affects emanation, making it highly unpredictable and aleatory. A fire emanator may cast a fireball, but this fireball would end up striking any random target whether the caster wanted it to strike it or not.
Wernicke’s aphasia is usually caused by a lesion of Wernicke’s area and adjacent structures in the dominant temporoparietal lobes. The most common etiology is infarct in the left MCA inferior division territory. Clinically, patients with Wernicke’s aphasia have markedly impaired comprehension (commands, simple to complex; yes/no questions and multiple choice; point to objects; syntax-dependent meaning). Spontaneous speech in Wernicke’s aphasia has normal fluency, prosody, and grammatical structure. However, impaired lexical functions result in speech that is empty, meaningless, and full of nonsensical paraphasic errors, which can be either inappropriate substitution of a word for one of similar meaning, or of a part of a word for one with a similar sound.
Patients with Wernicke’s aphasia, thus, do not show impaired focus on emanation, but instead cannot emanate at all. All emanations from a patient with Wernicke’s aphasia aren’t even able to materialize the most basic manaic expression (spell).
A conclusion about how the emanation system works from these neurological observations is that information about an emanation must be processed first in Wernicke’s and Broca’s area to be materialized in a manaic expression. Language processing is, therefore, crucial to emanation. Ideas, before being materialized, must be processed in rigorous sentences with proper words to become what they are. Since patients with Broca’s aphasia can’t properly focus a spell, this means that the syntax of ideas at the phenomenological level is relevant to determine whether a spell must work in a specified coordinate in space-time and not in any other. And, since patients with Wernicke’s aphasia can’t emanate what they want, this means that the way ideas are interpreted in words are of utter importance to emanation. Without words describing proper ideas, emanation can’t occur as it should.
In an experiment where emanators with Broca’s aphasia were told to cast a ranic ward to defend themselves from an expansive force of rania, they ended up creating a ward that protected the rania force itself. In other cases, the ranic ward was cast towards the floor or towards the caster materializing the expansive force.
So, at the computational level, the basic task of the emanation system is to derive a representation of the ideas encoded in language within the brain in a form that will allow this idea to be materialized. Since emanation is correlated with the ability to speak, it is concluded that ideas aren’t simply given from a metaphysical plane to natural reality and, instead, ideas are simply information processed in the language areas of the brain that are later materialized through the flow of mana within the body to its outside.
Further information shows that patients suffering whether primary or secondary psychosis can’t properly emanate either, having the same difficulties as patients with Broca’s aphasia.
submitted by FredjMR to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

How to visit me

Hi there! I’m Sequoia, one of HGK’s head enchantologists.
If you ever need a favour from me or just want to chat, follow this guide to my office! Good luck.

  1. You won’t be the only one trying to find me.
  2. Wait patiently for your turn. The others don’t like people who push in.
  3. Don’t go through the aleatory door.
  4. I might not be in at the moment. In that case, my assistant Tokyo will speak with you. Don’t be rude to her. Just because she is see-through doesn’t mean you have to be impolite.
  5. If I am in, it might not be me. The lookalike won’t be as friendly as I am.
  6. Ignore the picture hanging to the left of the door, even if he appears to be staring right at you. Don’t mind Lux, he’s really polite. Just show your manners back.
  7. Don’t worry about the half-completed satanic ritual to the right of my desk. Satan doesn’t have much cellular data, so I have to resort to old-fashioned means.
  8. If my wife* Tino is in, try not to think about what exactly he’s eating.
  9. Once you are in my office, sit down in the red chair. Avoid the green and blue ones- they aren’t as friendly to newcomers.
  10. If you are a regular, perhaps you are friends with Ao and Midori. Feel free to sit down with them then. But only if you are friends. Acquaintances, no.
  11. The carpet seems a little sinister. Don’t worry too much.
  12. The light just flickered. The electricians aren’t getting a pay raise this month so they’re a little grumpy.
  13. Satan or my wife* might pop in occasionally. Say hello! You might even make friends.
  14. When you leave, watch out for the hikari. The shadows are the friendly ones.
  15. Good luck in the labyrinth. It wasn’t there when you came in but don’t think about that.

* (it's an inside joke, he's actually a boy)
submitted by xtheRavenFeralx to HGK477 [link] [comments]

A more hardcore experience: menu "respawn" dissonance

IDLRSIW (I don't like reading so I watch) \\\\ Instead of the respawn button in PMC \ hideout. Develop the Hideout integrating mechanics from game (like memory of how we behaved towards Scavs (after all LOCALS) and Un and Bears and USECs.. These stats serve to higer lower the status of your hideouts (which is our virtual projection, our account, the hideout, it's the player in the game, the avatar is actually "a third person" right now, we become the PMC when we switch to this layer of the experience, then go back to menu and become the managers of that PMC or operation). I suggest that PMC should not come back from paradise with respawn button, it's dead. Game Devs need to hire designers for more models. These models will come knock at your door, they are geared or skilled differently depending on how your Hideout status is, this status is dynamic. U dnt play or play badly or kill all all the time or make ROE too very often (kinda rogue) then u are a infamous that if loses PMC you will have to pay or wait more to run again a PMC run. Permadeath counts and is challenging, and puts into place a system that as explained with short phrases above and long ones below, is dynamic, based on our stats (action - repetition) in game (mainly focused on healing, taking dog tags, dragging bodies to cover, carrying ppl out of danger out of the map). If we bring a scav out = that becomes our PMC, but that's only one way... Hideout as said above and below (READ MORE books ppl, less youtube trash) could have a kind of a status towards other. UN could give us some benefits if we actually do bring dog tags to their "stand"\ office as we allow dear ones to know their dear ones are dead.. (just an example) and cry their remains knowing their whereabouts (also this can integrate cartography). Imagine quest based medevacs or just emergent gameplay and narrative that can sparkle from these simple mechanics.
hard to do? Mainly the carrying animation, the extraction registration of bodies\corpses alive mates or not. The contextual registration of how these ppl got wounded (as people could exploit this by wounding their mates and the system needs to recognize who provoked this to avoid ppl auto inflicting to gain positive status...). takes some good design work. Work on newly possible raising bugs. And that's it. U have a less dissonant tarkov game: no respawn like arcade games .. this is the most realistic FPS simuilation.. I am saying they should go deep in this. Explained above and below.
Please do not be scared, I am not here for masochistic suggestion sharing.
I see\hear that .12 will introduce this 30% health status to the newly respawned (same) PMC that we get back after death. I understand that implementation (in general) takes experimentation and understanding by users of a mechanic (if players do not understand something it's like that mechanic or a part of the game was not there). So maybe devs are testing this to see how ppl will respond: if players show they want more, they will probably move more hardcore in the game.
I am here to suggest a way for the next step, towards more immersive, hardcore, consistent to game values, lively "menu fiddling", killing the narrative dissonance (that for me Respawn brings) and game loop flow disruption that respawn puts upon a hardcore player, taking away also the "tension" and realism that we should have when we die. Moving away from tutorial to "real deal". Some will start to say: "isn't it enough to lose everything?". Well, that is not the point. I am not talking of a degree of masochism, and so if u say so, you haven't read my disclaimer first line of the topic.
I am talking about smoothing the immersion design developing more the aspects of the menu and maturing completely the core aspect of the game (dying\negativity loop which is the core loop of games especially today, that second place you get that burns inside you) integrating them with gameplay decision, the shooting, the uniqueness of the PMC experience, the story.
Please do not take this as a try to push down the throat of any player an ironman,hardcore, bad ass mod (which I like in general as I love the challenge in games and in anything I do and did in my life from team sports to else), but take it\this instead as a suggestion, which is clearly, to make the game be felt more deep by the player,and helps the PMC's runs to be felt a UNIQUELY falvored experience (which I believe this suggestion I will write below can really help be flashed out more and in simplicity), the entire "use the scav" to work for your hideout-business become more verified and truly interconnected with the whole process \ game loop\s.
Your character dies, you won't have it back, it will be another guy, but check out how this could be integrated into the various layer of the EFT experience (EFT experience is on various layers in the firefight there are various: shooting, equip choice, looting menu, interaction, there is stuff in menu from trading, modding, planning .. i wanna make the menu experience mature and deeper and hardcore consistent ...
So to have a common vocabulary: the hideout and skills are built over our virtual projection (the digital projection of the player in Tarkov World). While the PMC in particular "wears" the skills and what we do through our FPS\skills\muscle memory... but somehow we are not the PMC we are the hideout, which holds in its wordrobe the equipment, the money etc. Hideout is pretty much a menu and has few rules. I would like to make it more lively and achieve this through the suggestion I am here to suggest in this topic.
If this is clear I am gonna share it:
The hideout may have this rule in .12 of 30% health of the respawned player or if wounded have various ways to heal it etc. All this makes feel more punishing the experience of death or not mastering perfectly survival in tarkov, but still I feel it as bulky, creating dissonant, and just a shortcut to hardcore. I believe instead the Hideout should have a STATUS. (and the concept of HIDEOUT itself should be developed somehwhat a little more.. it's very primitive and arcade-ish at the moment).
A status somewhat like we have with merchants: this status would not represent necessarily "good standing" status with others (despite the fact that it could actually do it with UN, Locals, Russians, Bear etc)... how to manipulate this by playing? This STATUS of the hideout (basically our account status) would make PMC come at our door, or also locals ask for quests or just come at the hideout and we can select them. If we are good or do have very strong experienced PMC that run many succesful runs , it means our "EDUCATION factor" will be stronger. It means that if new Scavs get in our Hideout they will become "PMC-level" faster... Simple things like this.
The game already allows to actually shape your own experience by what we do in the game, repeating it, and that is an amazing part of the light role play (still FPS tactical skill based experience respectful) features devs have and are implementing.
But if we could also have the chance to gain bonus the more good we are towards our friends, our team, if we bring a corpse to the exit (or even bury it?!), or take dog tags (this would be feasible!) in order to actually remember these people (Scav actually dnt have them so we supposed to take documents or something else... actually not even PMC should have dog tags but ok...this is another topic maybe) and give these things to some UN shop\ trader in order to have "good standing" and to have a better in the end of the process you start to grab already in its consistency and meaning, to change positively neutrally or negatively the stading or just the STATUS of your hideout. Your fame.
More thing and actually EMERGENT GAMEPLAY window widening by devs would be the chance to drag your friends (load them to the shoulder) to the exit. Or heal scavs and leave them there. But if we drag a corpse also we should achieve some benefit. If we actually bring a wounded scav to the exit this scav will become a "scav raider" level, it will become our PMC, it will fill in automatically in one of the slots we have.
You will be able simply to appeal to your Hideout different PMC, (different scavs too? who knows?!) depending on the status of your account (hideout indeed), at some point also well equipped ppl might come to you, you will be able to retire people, (get better status when u do that and gain some money I guess...
But people behaving totally like rogues will have to spend their money to find faster new PMC .. they will play like mercenaries and less like a clean PM company. So this will create TONS OF WAYS ONE CAN PLAY THE GAME.. or at least 2. and Still make the game deeper... lesser "arcade" I press a button and here it is the new PMC...
I dnt wanna make it a PMC management game like "PC CALCIO\ Football Manager".. but add just a simple or medium simple mechanic that makes the entire menu more believable. Killing narrative dissonance, immersing players deep until they EXIT TO DESKTOP.
Practically if you are bad standing you will just get scavs and u will have to wait longer to have PMC coming to your door. Permadeath doesn't have to be punishing (too much) but neither things like this can risk to be nor black nor white. Solutions like these need to make clear a message (not to be shy to make a stand to be black or white... they gotta be hardcore... escape from handholding, the game actually feels more accessible and understandable if any arcade flavor is improved). We want you to feel more realistic your PMC death. We could even have the case where we have our PMC not shot to the head so not dead.. it can happen maybe. So yeah.. it might come back.. but generally I think that if we are dead, we are dead. And we should not get back our PMC (like an arcade game as it is now, clashing a bit with the hardcore permadeath) but at least this change should be made I believe: make a different PMC come at our door, not the same one (when we "respawn").
So I heard that we can widen our Hideout to get it to 5 slots. I guess this might play in the future of the game. Having like a bigger hideout will also improve a ratio\stats\ algorithms of the many between the ones the devs have put to work behind the game (e.g. for the skill system), behind the "fourth wall" and this ratio\stat will be influencing the chance to get better equipped or more frequently PMC knocking to our door:Examples - Having good standing hideout due to many scav healed or our Pvp mates healed means better chance to get more PMC coming automatically at our door.HAving very experienced PMC hanging in slots in our hideout will make the education factor higher. scavs that come in will learn faster to become Scav raiders \ pmc - like level faster... and so on. a few ratios.. nothing special. The cool thing is what we will be able to do in game... not just what we see once we come out to reach our Base\hideout\safe house.
So yeah.. this thing would need: -new repetition \ action algorithm frequency sensible implementation in the game (as the system for skills works) for the medical and healing and dragging ppl etc. (some ppl might shoot their friend to do this... it won't work as u will get ROE malus and that will hinder your Hideout (account status) reducing chance or level of PMC u get. Like if we drag a scav to exit the game will have to see that. If we bring a scav dog tag, clean it give it to UN we get better standing status (as I explained I am not talking of market status, or at least not only that). -Hideout status mechanism. -Multiple PMC skins models (some design needed) -Getting rid of the cold too arcady and dissonant respawn. -The 30% .12 mechanic could be inroduced if our character gets wounded and maybe brought to an exit by our friend or somebody else (it is just random AI based\ aleatory, or it is actually happening aka somebody has actually brought you out even if u passed out unless u were like really dead)... btw this could even GIVE SPICE to the exit where you are a duo or team u are 4 1 survives and brings all of the friends near the exit and then exits this will give him bonus and ppl a better status. Of course you are not supposed to wound your mates, if you do and this constitutes major reason for them to pass out\ die you won't get a bonus. (I understand that any mechanic can be exploited by people that like to go around rules of a game to achieve better status...ehehe).
So you get what I mean.. the tension becomes even bigger because we need to play the game in a way that we are "forced" to interpretation a role or at least take decisions that will shape our experience in it in order or in case we wanna play into this mechanism.
What I am suggesting I hope is clear to all.
My suggestion could meet also a light story\narrative to help introduce this mechanic (as all can do) If the Secured stash that feels also a dissonance would be narrated\explained as a box that auto destroys the items upon player death\passing out, but that still contains items that can all be 3d printed at the Hideout (and so they are) previoulsy to the insertion (and this would explain why this secured stash ... i dnt like but I understand why exists, for quest working properly and other game progression reasons it has to) with the same wit the game could introduce the entire suggestion I have given:
The game could say that corpes are rottening in tarkov and too many have been left behind. and desease are spreading. (maybe also make this be met with a little design addition of really a few more bodies here and there (already looted.. just rottening) and that PMC (players) need \ can help to clean the streets or bring any proof to their dear ones, helping like this recognition of the bodies. Bodies as a matter of fact stay in tarkov. Nobody "cleans" the battliefield...And as this game has a MMO flavor as devs have written, then they could introduce this new possibility and importance of healing, saving, dragging bodies out with a specific short post that, well speaks about how important it is now.
Goes without saying that some gameplay sessions (thanks to this mecahnic of the hideout\healing\behavior in sessions) could help experiences of game be turned into "MEDEVAC" missions (so helping diversify the gameplay we face), pre planned or just improvised med evacs.. Just imagine how much Longevity the game and tension would generate. If the body is brought and saved or extracted corpse the fun is there anyway and the reward respectively higher and smaller would still be there working... (the entire suggested mechanic of this topic is about this "reward", status, and polish of dissonance the game for now has ... in that lobby of our hideout, that I dearly believe could be a little more developed.
Sure, this could be even brought to max level creating a hardcore ironman mode where all this is true, but separating the player base is not so much a good thing many times.. I dnt know what they wanna do. As I suggest this I believe this could be working to improve the life, immersion, feeling, tension, experience of all players as it is a soft implementation with new games mechanics...
Mechanics to me are new content (not just aesthetics, map, weapon as generally today people think games are about). They could even put this behind a DLC but I dnt wanna give bad ideas now. And as for the skills forgetting system that the game has, which "forces" people to keep playing the game here and there not to forget too much of what has been learned, and which is a tool for retention of players**, I would actually say that THE SAME HIDEOUT Status and the mechanics connected (I suggest) to it could be working too in this direction of Player retention (but without making this too hard): If player keep high status, PMC will keep knocking at their door every round, or every day (time, real life time or game time) and the higher they are the better status or skills or whatever they are equipped with they will have. The lower their status (that gets low if they do not play or play like bad killers) the lesser high level will come.**
So one will be even able somehow to play with that level of degree even RDR2 allows: SHAPING your experience. This stuff is high level design, and can be done with a few investments.
So Again, you don't have to say you like it. I am just saying this to improve beyond a "respawn button" and few still too cold and bitter mechanics now the game has.
Hope you got it. Unfortunately I did not bring an info graphic here, but I could do it. I don't wanna buy too early the game as "I have too much to play", even if this game really deserves as the devs all the support ppl can give or at least my best regards for what you ahve done so far. Congrats.
submitted by Ninja017 to EscapefromTarkov [link] [comments]

THAT Sgt Pepper review by the critic who hated it in 1967

Thought it would be fun to post this review, written in 1967 by a critic who hated Sgt Pepper. John even referred to him once, for a laugh, in an interview.
The critic realized years later that the stereo he was listening to the album on had only one channel. That means he only heard the right speaker. And for Beatles songs in stereo, especially Sgt Pepper, that means you are missing half of the song. :)
Still didnt change his opinion when he gave it a fresh listen.
Also, he's a rocker, Long Tall Sally type fan who didnt like that the Beatles sound / style was changing.

A splendid time is guaranteed for all!


"We Still Need the Beatles, but …”
The Beatles spent an unprecedented four months and $100,000 on their new album, “Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Heart’s Club Band” (Capitol SMAS 2653, mono and stereo). Like fathers-to-be, they kept a close watch on each stage of its gestation. For they are no longer merely superstars. Hailed as progenitors of a Pop avant garde, they have been idolized as the most creative members of their generation. The pressure to create an album that is complex, profound and innovative must have been staggering. So they retired to the electric sanctity of their recording studio, dispensing with their adoring audience, and the shrieking inspiration it can provide.
The finished product reached the record racks last week; the Beatles had supervised even the album cover — a mind-blowing collage of famous and obscure people, plants and artifacts. The 12 new compositions in the album are as elaborately conceived as the cover. The sound is a pastiche of dissonance and lushness. The mood is mellow, even nostalgic. But, like the cover, the over-all effect is busy, hip and cluttered.
Like an over-attended child “Sergeant Pepper” is spoiled. It reeks of horns and harps, harmonica quartets, assorted animal noises and a 91-piece orchestra. On at least one cut, the Beatles are not heard at all instrumentally. Sometimes this elaborate musical propwork succeeds in projecting mood. The “Sergeant Pepper” theme is brassy and vaudevillian. “She’s Leaving Home,” a melodramatic domestic saga, flows on a cloud of heavenly strings. And, in what is becoming a Beatle tradition, George Harrison unveils his latest excursion into curry and karma, to the saucy accompaniment of three tambouras, a dilruba, a tabla, a sitar, a table harp, three cellos and eight violins.
Harrison’s song, “Within You and Without You,” is a good place to begin dissecting “Sergeant Pepper.” Though it is among the strongest cuts, its flaws are distressingly typical of the album as a whole. Compared with “Love You To” (Harrison’s contribution to “Revolver”), this melody shows an expanded consciousness of Indian ragas. Harrison’s voice, hovering midway between song and prayer chant, oozes over the melody like melted cheese. On sitar and tamboura, he achieves a remarkable Pop synthesis. Because his raga motifs are not mere embellishments but are imbedded into the very structure of the song, “Within You and Without You” appears seamless. It stretches, but fits.
What a pity, then, that Harrison’s lyrics are dismal and dull. “Love You To” exploded with a passionate sutra quality, but “Within You and Without You” resurrects the very cliches the Beatles helped bury: “With our love/We could save the world/If they only knew.” All the minor scales in the Orient wouldn’t make “Within You and Without You” profound.

The obsession with production, coupled with a surprising shoddiness in composition, permeates the entire album. There is nothing beautiful on “Sergeant Pepper.” Nothing is real and there is nothing to get hung about. The Lennon raunchiness has become mere caprice in “Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite.” Paul McCartney’s soaring Pop magnificats have become merely politely profound. “She’s Leaving Home” preserves all the orchestrated grandeur of “Eleanor Rigby,” but its framework is emaciated. This tale of a provincial lass who walks out on a repressed home life, leaving parents sobbing in her wake, is simply no match for those stately, swirling strings. Where “Eleanor Rigby” compressed tragedy into poignant detail, “She’s Leaving Home” is uninspired narrative, and nothing more. By the third depressing hearing, it begins to sound like an immense put-on.
There certainly are elements of burlesque in a composition like “When I’m 64,” which poses the crucial question: “Will you still need me/Will you still feed me/when I’m 64?” But the dominant tone is not mockery; this is a fantasy retirement, overflowing with grandchildren, gardening and a modest cottage on the Isle of Wight. The Beatles sing, “We shall scrimp and save” with utter reverence. It is a strange fairy tale, oddly sad because it is so far from the composers’ reality. But even here, an honest vision is ruined by the background which seeks to enhance it.
“Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds” is an engaging curio, but nothing more. It is drenched in reverb, echo and other studio distortions. Tone overtakes meaning and we are lost in electronic meandering. The best Beatle melodies are simple if original progressions braced with pungent lyrics. Even their most radical compositions retain a sense of unity.
But for the first time, the Beatles have given us an album of special effects, dazzling but ultimately fraudulent. And for the first time, it is not exploration which we sense, but consolidation. There is a touch of the Jefferson Airplane, a dab of Beach Boys vibrations, and a generous pat of gymnastics from The Who.
The one evident touch of originality appears in the structure of the album itself. The Beatles have shortened the “banding” between cuts so that one song seems to run into the next. This produces the possibility of a Pop symphony or oratorio, with distinct but related movements. Unfortunately, there is no apparent thematic development in the placing of cuts, except for the effective juxtapositions of opposing musical styles. At best, the songs are only vaguely related.
With one important exception, “Sergeant Pepper” is precious but devoid of gems. “A Day in the Life” is such a radical departure from the spirit of the album that it almost deserves its peninsular position (following the reprise of the “Sergeant Pepper” theme, it comes almost as an afterthought). It has nothing to do with posturing or put-on. It is a deadly earnest excursion in emotive music with a chilling lyric. Its orchestration is dissonant but sparse, and its mood is not whimsical nostalgia but irony.
With it, the Beatles have produced a glimpse of modern city life that is terrifying. It stands as one of the most important Lennon-McCartney compositions, and it is a historic Pop event.
“A Day in the Life” starts in a description of suicide. With the same conciseness displayed in “Eleanor Rigby,” the protagonist begins: “I read the news today, oh boy.” This mild interjection is the first hint of his disillusionment; compared with what is to follow, it is supremely ironic. “I saw the photograph,” he continues, in the voice of a melancholy choir boy:
He blew his mind out in a car He didn’t notice that the lights had changed A crowd of people stood aud stared They’d seen his face before Nobody was reallysure if he was from the House of Lords.
“A Day in the Life” could never make the Top 40, although it may influence a great many songs which do. Its lyric is sure to bring a sudden surge of Pop tragedy. The aimless, T. S. Eliot-like crowd, forever confronting pain and turning away, may well become a common symbol. And its narrator, subdued by the totality of his despair, may reappear in countless compositions as the silent, withdrawn hero.

Musically, there are already indications that the intense atonality of “A Day in the Life” is a key to the sound of 1967. Electronic-rock, with its aim of staggering an audience, has arrived in half-a-dozen important new releases. None of these songs has the controlled intensity of “A Day in thg Life,” but the willingness of many restrained musicians to “let go” means that serious aleatory-pop may be on the way.
Ultimately, however, it is the uproar over the alleged influence of drugs on the Beatles which may prevent “A Day in the Life” from reaching the mass audience. The song’s refrain, “I’d like to turn you on,” has rankled disk jockeys supersensitive to “hidden subversion” in rock ’n’ roll. In fact, a case can be made within the very structure of “A Day in the Life” for the belief that the Beatles — like so many Pop composers — are aware of the highs and lows of consciousness.
The song is built on a series of tense, melancholic passages, followed by soaring releases. In the opening stanza, for instance, John’s voice comes near to cracking with despair. But after the invitation, “I’d like to turn you on,” the Beatles have inserted an extraordinary atonal thrust which is shocking, even painful, to the ears. But it brilliantly encases the song and, if the refrain preceding it suggests turning on, the crescendo parallels a druginduced “rush.”
The bridge begins in a staccato crossfire. We feel the narrator rising, dressing and commuting by rote. The music is nervous with the dissonance of cabaret jazz. A percussive drum melts into a panting railroad chug. Then
Found my way upstairs and had a smoke Somebody spoke and I went into a dream.
The words fade into a chant of free, spacious chords, like the initial marijuana “buzz.” But the tone becomes mysterious and then ominous. Deep strings take us on a Wagnerian descent and we are back to the original blues theme, and the original declaration, “I read the news today, oh boy.”
Actually, it is difficult to see why the BBC banned “A Day in the Life,” because its message is, quite clearly, the flight from banality. It describes a profound reality, but it certainly does not glorify it. And its conclusion, though magnificent, seems to represent a negation of self. The song ends on one low, resonant note that is sustained for 40 seconds. Having achieved the absolute peace of nullification, the narrator is beyond melancholy. But there is something brooding and irrevocable about his calm. It sounds like destruction.
What a shame that “A Day in the Life” is only a coda to an otherwise undistinguished collection of work. We need the Beatles, not as cloistered composers, but as companions. And they need us. In substituting the studio conservatory for an audience, they have ceased being folk artists, and the change is what makes their new album a monologue.
submitted by shivermetimbers68 to beatles [link] [comments]

Hedging decision value models

Hi everyone,
I am studying right now corporate finance, and I haven't been able to go on for a week because I can't understand what that hedging decision value is.
Context: (For those who don't know about risk management)
Enterprise risk management process:
- Risk assessment- Risk treatment- Risk monitoring
-> The risk assessment is made up of other sub-phases:
a) Determining the objectives or risk management
b) Risk mapping
c) Risk estimation (qualitative or quantitative)
d) Risk evaluation <-- (is it worth it to take the risk and cover it or are you better off avoiding it?)
Talking about risk evaluation: in this phase, according to my book you need to identify a model that:
a) Can measure the benefits of risk management on the enterprise valueb) Allows you to understand what's the best risk treatment decision (Risk avoidance or risk taking, and if you decide to take the risk, then if you should to retain it or mitigate it)c) Allows you to compare the impact of the treatment decision on the enterprise value with the costs of the risk treatment.
Said this, my book says that there are many algorithms that are called "Hedging decision value models".
The neoclassical model:
To neoclassical model requires you to:
1) Estimate the distribution of the net aleatory incremental cash flows (FAI_t), "that are linked both to the risk object of the evaluation, and to the hedging instruments (for instance, in the case of an insurance, we need to compare the flows coming from the compensation with those linked to the payment of the periodical insurance premium)".
  1. What do you mean by "distribution"? At first I thought about a distribution of probability, but now I am not sure, cause in the next phase you will need to find the E(Fai_t), so the FAI_t are probably expressed in monetary terms
  2. What the heck are those "net aleatory incremental cash flows"? Do they only include the costs and "revenues" linked to the hedging instrument, or do they take into account also the costs linked to the downside risk? Cause from the first sentence, it looks like they don't consider only the flows linked to the hedging instrument, but by the one between brackets it seems so!
2) Determine the expected FAI_t {E(Fai_t)} considering the probability linked to every risk scenario (I guess you simply need to calculate the expected value: (sum of Fai_i*P_i --- P_i = Probability of the "i" scenario)
3) Determine the present value of the E(Fai_t) using the risk free rate since the flows linked to the compensation and the insurance premiums are established contractually.
So:This would make me think that only the flows linked to the hedging instrument are taken into account in the E(Fai_t), but if it was so, why would the author say "[the E(Fai_t) are linked both to the risk object of the evaluation, and to the hedging instruments"?
4) Adjust the result for the systematic risk of the investment that cause unpredicted variations in both the positive and negative flows.
  1. Why would you consider only the systematic risk here?
  2. How can the systematic risk impact on the flows linked to the hedging instrument?
  3. Since I see no way that this can happen, then it seems that you need to consider into the E(Fai_t) both the flows coming from the hedging instrument and the downside risk manifestations, but if it was so, why would you measure the present value with the risk free rate?
  4. How do you concretely measure the impact of the systematic risk of the single investment on the cash flows?
Then it says that the result will give you the fair value of the hedging in case there are no market imperfections and the investors are completely rational ( own a perfectly diversified portfolio???)
5) Adjust for the negative incremental risk (downside risk) and the effect of imperfections. The formula you can use is:EIj = IR (Incremental downside risk) * IP (Incremental downside risk premium), and calculate then the present value using the r_j rate, which is the sum of the risk free rate and the market premium for systematic risk (beta = 1).
6) The sign (positive or negative) of the result will tell you if you should or not treat the risk with such hedging instrument, the monetary amount of the HDV (hedging decision value) needs to be compared with the costs of hedging to decide whether to treat or retain the risk.
So:I'm wondering why is it so, isn't the cost of hedging already considered in the E(Fai_t)], since it considers the insurance premiums (in case the instrument is an insurance)?
I'm full of doubts about this, I couldn't find any info anywhere, not even looking at the mentioned sources, and the book seems contradictory to me in several points. If you could help me I would be very thankful.
Secondly, I beg your pardon for my atrocious English but I am a bit rusty there.
submitted by OverTheReminds to business [link] [comments]

(OC) Specially Cherry Picked NBA Rookie stats

I see that everyone’s pretty hyped about this rookie class, but I got a little worried about the expectations people had when I saw 3 comments that Kuzma and Donovan Mitchel ALREADY are NBA stars based on good 20 games streches (i only found this one) so I decided to put up an article but other players that had great 15-20 games streches to show that they aren’t necessarly stars just yet. I did do that (Evidence 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7) but than I thought: “Man I’m just going to get -100 on the post and get angry a lot unreasonable fans” and decided to get on the hype trains and make a post that’s basically a closet full of aleatory, most of them just overreactions, stats that gives HOT TAKES that theis franchise fans eventually will spit out without any kind of background to that.
So there you go:
Ben Simmons is so easy that I will give you some options to pick:
a) Ben Simmons is the no.3 player in triples doubles this season (having 4), only trailing Lebron James and Russell Westbrook
b) The only other rookie in Basketball history to average 8.6 rebounds per game and 7.6 assists is Oscar Robertson
c) Simmons is finishing 73.6% at the rim. That’s better than LeBron’s 73.2% career average at that distance, but it took Bron 7 seasons to actually finish at that rate, while in his first 5 season he finished “only” 69.2%.
Markelle Fultz it’s a tough one, but he would be in the 88% percentile in efficiency when running the pick and roll (if he had enough possessions to qualify)
Lonzo Ball seems to have figured it out scoring!!! (in the last 6 games) averaging 16.0 points on 44.3/45 shooting (and 50% FT but no one needs to know that).
Jayson Tatum is the real deal
No Rookie in nba history with over 100 3 point attempts has shot the ball that well (\) and no NBA player this season has shot it this way either. Tatum might have saved Danny Ainge’s record drafing players, at least with his fanbase, as these days I found an bostonceltics subscriber saying that “That Tatum is already a top something NBA Player” (I couldn’t really understar because he had a 3D printed replica of danny ainge’s balls in his mouth).
Players have been shooting better when Josh Jackson is on them by 2.5% and although his perimeter defense seems good still, with players shooting 3 points 5.9% worse when his on them, his interior defense is not good at the moment, allowing 65.5% finishing at the rim so that’s something he will need to improve. He’s also the 8th worst rookie by Defense points saved ( and he’s behind OG Anunoby in Deffensive Win Shares, Defensive box plus-minues, defensive rating, DPS and in FG differential while also being 6 months older. He also owns a -25 net rating (per 100 possessions), a -5.9 BPM and has a 56% FT. At least in the last 13 games he averaged a better FT% with 62.5%.
But hey, he’s a rookie, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
De’Aaron Fox shot a respectable 41.2% from 3 in the last 14 games. That's John Wall with an ELITE shot for you.
Jonathan Isaac owns a 9 feet 2 inches standing reach which as a wing puts he in pair with only a few players like Kevin Durant and Giannis, and is already a pretty good defender, posting a positive rating in DPS and almost cracking the top 10 of the rookies, even only playing 15 games.
He might also be still growing. His medical projection was a 7 feet 1 fellow…
Lauri Markkanen started the season a 16 points per game scorer while shooting 45% from the field and 37% from 3, pretty good for a rookie. He’s also one of the most skilled 7 footers of the league what seems like a good thing to have in the unicorn era. (btw take a look in this post where reddit genius say about Frank Karminsky being better than the Finnish god ) One of his concerns coming into the season was his getting boards, well he does leads all rookie in DRB% with 23.8% (
In the 3 point era, no 19 year old rookie has ever posted a steal% of 3 points or better. Frank Nkitilina has a 3.1% steal percentage. (
As a rookie you’d expect Dennis Smith Jr. to have hot and cold stretches, and he had those. He had a 7 game span averaging 19.6 points on 37% 3 point shooting and a encouraging 87.5% from the line ( and than than a 7 game span of averaging 15 points on just 27 minutes a night. (
He also has already dunked 19 times, what’s more than all the sum of all other 6 top-12 guards from the draft.
Zach Collins is the rookie who has played the less minutes from the top 10 of the 2017 Draft. 24.6% of his shot are coming from 3 point land, fairly equal to Porzingis 25% rate. Coincidence? Maybe.
I don’t have the necessary time for doing that with all 92 rookies that have logged minutes this season so I’m going to just cherry-pick players that I’d like to talk about.
Luke Kennard
He only played 25+ minutes 4 times so far, he's averaging 14.8 and 1.5 steals on that games shooting 56.4/68.8/80 but that would be just a HOT TAKE that doesn't really mean anything at all
Donovan Mitchell
In the last 16 games Mitchell averaged 22.8 points on 50.9/39.6/84.7 with 1.8 steals per game as well. His steal% only trails defensive studs of this draft: Frank and Jordan Bell.
He’s getting close to Joel Embiid’d last year numbers AND efficieny… Embiid scored 19.9 points on 27.3 minutes shooting 45% from the floor and 29.9% from 3.
Bam Adebayo
Bam is no.3 among rookies in Win Shares/48 minutes, but the most impressive thing in him is his capacity of perimeter shutting down: . He seems like a modern center and he also has a 1.22 PPP as an pick and roll roll man, similar to Whiteside’s 1.24, good enough to be in the 72.5% of the league in his vvery first season. Bam also goes a lot to the Free Throw line (53.8% FTrate leads rookies) where he’s been shooting an impressive 73%.
DJ Wilson keeps the bench warm at 96o F or 35.5C, that’s good for second in the league behind Mike Miller’s 96.5 F.
John Collins
Only Clint Capela has a bigger dunks/minutes in the NBA than John Collins. You can see in the Dunkameter ( that Collins has already 63 dunks, having played only 689 minutes. The overall leader is DeAndre Jordan with 98 dunks, but in 1139 minutes. The result is DeAndre Jordan has 1 dunk every 11.62 minutes, while Collins only needs 10.94.
He also posts a 21.1 PER, also bigger than DeAndre’s 19.6. His 15.0% Offensive Rebound Percetage leads rookies by a mile and is in pair with DeAndre’s 15.1%, ranking 7th among all players. (
Jarrett Allen
Jarrett Allen has been shooting 80.6% from the FT line, up from 56% on college. He's also shooting 3s and has basically maintained his block% from college, what is quite rare since is way harder to block an NBA player than a college one, showing he's making strides on that. He's number 2 between rookies in protecting the rim, where players shooting 10% worse when he's on service.
He's the 7th youngest NBA Player, being only 1 month older than Mohamed Bamba and 3 months older than DeAndre Ayton.
Kyle Kuzma
Kuuuuuuuuuuuzma averages 19.9/6.7 boards on 46/42/74 shooting in the last 20 games ( Unfortunately for him, the Lakers went on a 5-15 run during that period, it does look good that he made that against tough competition facing the Cavs, 3x the Warriors and 3x the Rockets.
Jordan Bell
So Jordan Bell is awesome. He’s a technical tie with John Collins as no.1 in PER (21.1 and 21.0), while leading the rookie class in TS% (68.8%, 4.5% better than the next, Bam Adebayo), eFG% (67.8%), Block percentage (6.2%), Defensive box plus-minus (4.6) and in rim protection stats. He’s also no.2 in Steal Percentage (only trails Frank Nkitilina), Offensive rating, defensive rating and no.3 in VORP.
His assists percentage of 17.6% is bigger than the sum of Kyle Kuzma’s with Josh Jackson’s, ranking no.1 among non-guards rookies.
He’s finishing 71.8% at the rim, a similar rate that Clint Capela did at his age (last season). and his 2.29 RPM puts he in the top 40 of the league.
submitted by nadoperon to nba [link] [comments]

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  9. 328 points, 10 submissions: tbri001
    1. Fun with Català (107 points, 8 comments)
    2. Moonlight over mountains, near Ripoll. (33 points, 0 comments)
    3. The French connection: How Catalonia got its ballot papers (30 points, 6 comments)
    4. Inés! Per fi, estic d'acord amb vosté! (28 points, 10 comments)
    5. On MLK and the Catalan Independence Movement (27 points, 55 comments)
    6. The pettiness of Catalonia's unionists (27 points, 66 comments)
    7. Catalans on trial: The EU has got Madrid's back, no matter how hard police hit civilians (25 points, 1 comment)
    8. Study finds that "During the 2017 Catalan referendum ... social bots generated and promoted violent content aimed at Independentists, ultimately exacerbating social conflict online" (24 points, 5 comments)
    9. Spain's 'trial of the century' reopens historic wounds (17 points, 0 comments)
    10. Editorial: Spain’s trial of Catalan separatists is a terrible mistake (10 points, 0 comments)
  10. 283 points, 11 submissions: Espaienventa
    1. Ni 300 ni 3.000 anys d'història: 52 milions (52 points, 2 comments)
    2. Passeu-ho bé aquest Sant Jordi! (44 points, 3 comments)
    3. Sí. (31 points, 7 comments)
    4. La teoria de l'evolució explicada (27 points, 2 comments)
    5. Wtf (27 points, 0 comments)
    6. Espanya, descripció gràfica (22 points, 4 comments)
    7. Vora el del túnel del Cadí (22 points, 9 comments)
    8. Catalanes golpistas prenden fuego a un señor por llevar un chándal con la bandera de España (19 points, 3 comments)
    9. La nova estrena de Hollywood (14 points, 0 comments)
    10. Alternativa a Catalunya? (13 points, 14 comments)

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  12. volivav (221 points, 49 comments)
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  26. anitgos (99 points, 12 comments)
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Top Submissions

  1. Fun with Català by tbri001 (107 points, 8 comments)
  2. Avui és el dia by JosepFontana (90 points, 10 comments)
  3. Watch what I can do! by MaresmeOriental (89 points, 7 comments)
  4. The origin of the word "nothing" in romance languages by Aletschgletscher (79 points, 6 comments)
  5. Pokémon Falç by Merkaartor (78 points, 2 comments)
  6. I tú? També ho ets? by Pyromann (76 points, 6 comments)
  7. Quin partit votar el 28A? by MaresmeOriental (75 points, 17 comments)
  8. Pels que doneu una ullada a Reddit mentrestant espereu el tren by TerceraVia (73 points, 22 comments)
  9. Porno català by ElPanxoLiDiuAlPinxo (70 points, 35 comments)
  10. A un pakistanès de Barcelona: "Setze jutges del punjab mengen okras i kebab" by TerceraVia (70 points, 4 comments)

Top Comments

  1. 29 points: Merkaartor's comment in Language etiquette while traveling in Barcelona with a Spanish-speaking friend
  2. 29 points: anitgos's comment in Canten l'himne feixista de La Legión a la boda (a l'Empordà) de Claudia Creuheras (fill del president del Grup Planeta i Atresmedia) i Álvaro Gandarias (fill del directiu de Caixabank).
  3. 28 points: John-W-Lennon's comment in On puc comprar marihuana a Tossa de Mar?
  4. 28 points: barca_means_boat's comment in On puc comprar marihuana a Tossa de Mar?
  5. 28 points: mrdeu's comment in As an Englishman what can I do to support an independent Catalonia?
  6. 27 points: densest-hat's comment in Brexit influence
  7. 27 points: tbri001's comment in Una turba de militants de Ciutadans persegueix un càmera i l'agredeixen al cap al crit de "Fuera TV3, fuera TV3", a les portes del parc de la Ciutadella. Per major perplexitat és un càmera de Telemadrid
  8. 24 points: Erratic85's comment in RESULTATS | El Partit Popular de Catalunya es converteix en l'únic partit català amb un 100% de representació femenina
  9. 23 points: Basque_Pirate's comment in The French connection: How Catalonia got its ballot papers
  10. 23 points: Merkaartor's comment in Un minut de silenci per tots els vots del Front Republicà
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The Stormblade - a retake on a common concept, as an Homebrew Fighter subclass

I've seen quite a lot of homebrews for a Storm Knight for being an homebrew concept. Of course, Storm Cleric and multiclassing exist, but I really like the core idea of 5e making the old prestige classes as subclasses.
Those homebrews I've seen never quite hit the concept of being a martial fighter with storm capabilities in my opinion. They either were OP AF like the Storm Knight in that DnD homebrew website, or failed to make you feel like you harness the powers of the storm other than making just some additional lightning damage. So, here's my take at it, I hope you'll enjoy it and feel free to provide feedback!
EDIT: thanks to some feedback, I already found some problematic parts that I missed while looking at the whole thing in a vacuum. Those parts will be marked in the post itself and there are some discussions in the comment.

Martial Archetype: The Stormblade
Lore: A Stormblade is a Fighter who learnt to harness the powers of the storm and use them in combination with its martial capabilities. They may seem similiar to an Eldritch Knight in terms of interactions with magic, but they're different. A Fighter may learn to channel the storm into their veins by several means: some examples are "simply" being taught by a Storm Sorcerer, or inheriting powers from a lightning creature such as a dragon. Or maybe in a stormy battle, a lightning struck this fighter and he wonderously survived. Anyway, a certain Wisdom is required in order to balance and control the aleatory nature of lightning.
Spellcasting Ability:
Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your Stormblade features. You use your Wisdom whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability.
Spell save DC = 8 + proficiency bonus + Wisdom modifier
Spell attack modifier = proficiency bonus + Wisdom modifier

Level 3 features:
Storm Initiate
You learn the following spells:
1) The Gust and Shocking Grasp cantrips.
2) The Thunderwave spell. You can cast it at its lowest level without spending a spell slot. You can do so a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) per long rest. EDIT: this may get removed entirely due to being very frontloaded and to future class features.

Lightning Channeler
You learn the Elemental Weapon spell and you can cast it at its lowest level once per short rest without spending a spell slot. You must choose between Lightning and Thunder damage. You can cast it on an already magical weapon, but the bonuses on attack rolls and damage provided by the magical property of the weapon don't stack (only the highest counts).
At level 10 with this class, you can cast it as if it was casted by using a 5th level spell slot, and you can cast it twice per short rest. At level 20 with this class, you can cast it as if it was casted by using a 7th level spell slot, and you can cast it at will.
EDIT: this part is getting reworked in order to make it a long rest feature, remove the autoscaling and maybe avoid to have a +1 weapon at level 3'

Lightning's Strike
You learn the Thunderous Smite spell and you can cast it at its lowest level without spending a spell slot. You can do so a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) per long rest. If you are concentrating in Elemental Weapon, you don't need to concentrate in order to cast this spell. The spell still behaves as normal, lasting for 1 minute or until the spell takes effect, you just don't lose concentration on Elemental Weapon when using this feature.

Level 7 feature:
Adept of the Thunder
You start to master your thunderous powers.
Gust now has a range of 60ft, and its casting time becomes either 1 Action or 1 Bonus Action.
You can now cast Thunderwave as a reaction. The reaction trigger is being hit by an attack by an enemy you can see within 5ft of you. EDIT: for the same reason of the level 3 feature, this is AT LEAST being put at level 10 if not removed.
Finally, if a spell or a feature of yours causes an enemy to make a Strength, Dexterity or Constitution Saving throw, it is made at disadvantage if that enemy wears metal armor or wields a weapon made of metal.
Level 10 feature:
Thunderous Nature
Whenever you deal Lightning Damage, you can push the affected enemy 5ft away from you.
Additionally, you gain resistance to Lightning and Thunder damage.

Level 15 feature:
Master of the Storm
You learn the Storm Sphere spell. You can cast it once per long rest, and you can choose to cast it centered on you. You are immune to its effects, and if it's centered on you, you can make it move with you if you choose to travel at half your movement speed. EDIT: this is getting replaced by a regular Call Lightning, since 1/3 casters aren't supposed to cast level 4 spells at level 15.

Level 18 feature:
You have a flying speed equal to your current walking speed whenever you are not underground or indoors. EDIT: this may get removed to become different than the Tempest Cleric feature, but it certainly isn't a priority.

My notes:
EDIT: most of this part is outdated. If there's an EDIT in the post, chances are that I already said my thoughts on those features in the post or in the comments.
This is my take on the Stormblade. It's very important to know that this class is balanced around being MAD. A typical level 3 MAD character has +3 to its main attack stat and casting stat, and a +2 to Constitution. In this case, a level 3 Stormblade would have +3 in Strength/Dexterity and +3 in Wisdom.
The subclass starts out with 2 decent cantrips: Gust is for roleplay purposes for now, while Shocking Grasp is a valid alternative to melee attacks at low levels given the equal modifiers mentioned above. Thunderwave sometimes per day is also good but you'll always have to watch out for allies.
Elemental Weapon at level 3 is obviously strong since it's a level 3 spell, but normally it's regarded as a kinda weak one. So, why not make it a class feature? Obviously, a +1 weapon at level 3 is very strong but it's nothing new: Pact of the Blade Warlocks could already do that with an invocation. The D4 additional Lightning or Thunder damage is a nice bonus to damage but nothing too special: aside from the boost, it's just for the fluff of having a lightning sword.
Thunderous Smite some times per day is very strong and it's useful to for gaining and giving some advantage.
It's evident that the starting part of the subclass is having some minor utility and increasing the damage output.
At level 7 though, we can start to see a crowd control aspect in the subclass. Gust has now double the range and can be casted as a bonus action: its purpose is to push people 5ft away, which can be vital for the party Wizard to not be caught in melee range.
Thunderwave as a reaction emulates the Tempest Cleric feature. I didn't want to copy paste the feature so I made Thunderwave a specific reaction instead.
The last part is occasional but very good: by being a Stormblade, the disadvantage on physical saving throws are applied for Gust, Thunderwave, Thunderous Smite and Storm Sphere (later).
The level 10 feature further increase the crowd control aspect of the subclass, by making every lightning attack a push effect. You can apply it with Elemental Weapon! Also, some elemental resistance is very great.
The level 15 feature is the one I'm looking for feedback the most, as Storm Sphere is generally regarded as a nice spell. Not the best level 4 spell for sure, but a nice spell. Making it stronger may be a mistake. Another choice for a spell would be Call Lightning or Lightning Bolt. The latter is certainly unimpressive at level 15 so I think we can safely discard it; Call Lightning, on the other hand, has a very strong interaction with the push effect.
The level 18 feature is literally the same as the Tempest Cleric.

What do you think about this?
submitted by HexbloodD to dndnext [link] [comments]

Subreddit Stats: catalunya top posts from 2018-07-26 to 2019-07-26 07:07 PDT

Period: 364.80 days
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Rate (per day) 2.09 10.16
Unique Redditors 148 468
Combined Score 15266 13006

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  1. 2450 points, 105 submissions: Merkaartor
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    8. Semblança dels interiors de la basílica de Santa Maria del Mar (Barcelona) i La Seu (Palma). (44 points, 8 comments)
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    10. Aquest any fa 20 anys del naixement de Plats Bruts (1999) (43 points, 13 comments)
  2. 2251 points, 120 submissions: TerceraVia
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  3. 1266 points, 47 submissions: MaresmeOriental
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  4. 858 points, 24 submissions: Aletschgletscher
    1. The origin of the word "nothing" in romance languages (80 points, 6 comments)
    2. Catalan cities mascots (65 points, 6 comments)
    3. Crown of EAragon (55 points, 1 comment)
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    10. Tal dia com avui de 1935 el Tribunal de Garanties espanyol condemna a trenta anys de presó els membres del govern de la Generalitat (28 points, 3 comments)
  6. 627 points, 35 submissions: PerBlueFan
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  7. 390 points, 54 submissions: Redmantarraco77
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  8. 337 points, 11 submissions: Johnforthelike
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  9. 324 points, 10 submissions: tbri001
    1. Fun with Català (103 points, 8 comments)
    2. Moonlight over mountains, near Ripoll. (33 points, 0 comments)
    3. The French connection: How Catalonia got its ballot papers (33 points, 6 comments)
    4. Inés! Per fi, estic d'acord amb vosté! (27 points, 10 comments)
    5. Catalans on trial: The EU has got Madrid's back, no matter how hard police hit civilians (26 points, 1 comment)
    6. On MLK and the Catalan Independence Movement (26 points, 55 comments)
    7. The pettiness of Catalonia's unionists (26 points, 66 comments)
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    9. Spain's 'trial of the century' reopens historic wounds (16 points, 0 comments)
    10. Editorial: Spain’s trial of Catalan separatists is a terrible mistake (11 points, 0 comments)
  10. 274 points, 11 submissions: Espaienventa
    1. Ni 300 ni 3.000 anys d'història: 52 milions (49 points, 2 comments)
    2. Passeu-ho bé aquest Sant Jordi! (39 points, 3 comments)
    3. Sí. (33 points, 7 comments)
    4. La teoria de l'evolució explicada (29 points, 2 comments)
    5. Wtf (28 points, 0 comments)
    6. Vora el del túnel del Cadí (22 points, 9 comments)
    7. Espanya, descripció gràfica (19 points, 4 comments)
    8. Catalanes golpistas prenden fuego a un señor por llevar un chándal con la bandera de España (18 points, 3 comments)
    9. La nova estrena de Hollywood (16 points, 0 comments)
    10. "Femení" (11 points, 2 comments)
  11. 258 points, 15 submissions: Erratic85
    1. S'ha mort Neus Català, supervivent dels camps nazis (46 points, 1 comment)
    2. Mor Eduard Punset als 82 anys (40 points, 11 comments)
    3. Torrelameu canvia l'Stop per senyals en català (30 points, 4 comments)
    4. Incitar a l'odi als nazis [literal] és ara delicte d'odi al Reino de España. (24 points, 10 comments)
    5. La Viquipèdia fa 18 anys! (16 points, 0 comments)
    6. Pinotxo amenaça a la memaire en cap Boatella a Twitter (16 points, 5 comments)
    7. La festa de l'os de Prats de Molló | Fotoreportatge de Jordi Borràs per 'La Mira' (15 points, 2 comments)
    8. La càpsula del temps de la Catedral de Barcelona | Jordi Borràs. La Mira, 11/05/19 (13 points, 5 comments)
    9. Manifestació a Madrid del 16 de març contra el judici (13 points, 1 comment)
    10. El Jutjat d'Instrucció de Barcelona aixeca el confinament a Viladecans de Tamara Carrasco després de més d'un any d'excepcionalitat jurídica injustificada. (12 points, 3 comments)
  12. 219 points, 10 submissions: morphicphicus
    1. Y'all mind if I ~dance with the corpse of a nun in the middle of the streets~ (35 points, 10 comments)
    2. Després dels ((((sopars grocs per la llibertat)))) hom es pot arribar a creure qualsevol cosa dels processistes (31 points, 0 comments)
    3. Això és un constant davallar (29 points, 5 comments)
    4. Amb sort, ens deixaran en pau fins el 01/10/2067 (28 points, 1 comment)
    5. Algú pot dir-me a quin sant l'han citat a madrid?? (24 points, 2 comments)
    6. Volum de greuges núm. 183 (23 points, 0 comments)
    7. El copypasta del Llemosí (explicació als comentaris) (22 points, 17 comments)
    8. Penjat des d'un proxy emprat durant la ciberguerra de l'1O (13 points, 0 comments)
    9. Algú sap el significar de "janfúmeres"? Prudenci Bertrana em treu de polleguera. (9 points, 6 comments)
    10. Ei ei ei! Que jo també vull participa'n la re-Renaixença de la cultura catalana!! (5 points, 1 comment)
  13. 212 points, 11 submissions: JosepFontana
    1. Avui és el dia (88 points, 10 comments)
    2. L'èxit del Concurs de Castells empetiteix els Jocs Mediterranis (46 points, 3 comments)
    3. El mite de la frontera natural explicat a la televisió pública francesa en català (15 points, 7 comments)
    4. 8 consensos de la societat catalana que trenquen amb el mite de la fractura social (12 points, 2 comments)
    5. Government to spend €58M on climate emergency measures (12 points, 3 comments)
    6. Catalunya recupera la llei contra els desnonaments i la pobresa energètica (10 points, 2 comments)
    7. La UER diu no a TV3 mentre sis artistes catalans rumien representar-la a Eurovisió (9 points, 4 comments)
    8. Joan Hortalà desmenteix que el procés afecti la borsa (7 points, 1 comment)
    9. Decàleg mínim comú denominador per resoldre el conflicte català (5 points, 8 comments)
    10. Quan la premsa de Madrid fa de Rappel amb el PIB català (5 points, 0 comments)
  14. 180 points, 6 submissions: viktorbir
    1. Avui va 123 anys es va prohibir el català en les trucades telefòniques interurbanes (44 points, 2 comments)
    2. 205 years ago today the four southern departments of Catalonia and the Aran Valley left the First French Empire and went back to be ruled by Bourbon Spain; they had been annexed on 26 January 1812 (38 points, 4 comments)
    3. Official interdiction of Catalan language (France, 2 April 1700) (37 points, 2 comments)
    4. Un basar xinès on comprar amb calma (30 points, 0 comments)
    5. Mapa delinqüencial de Catalunya (des de 2011) (19 points, 3 comments)
    6. Per si mai necessiteu demostrar-li a algú que la constitució espanyola reconeix el dret a la lliure determinació dels pobles. (12 points, 3 comments)
  15. 175 points, 4 submissions: BRPS4L
    1. Visc als Estats Units, i cada any per Sant Jordi el meu pare encara em compra una rosa i m’en envia una foto ♥️ (58 points, 8 comments)
    2. La bandera catalana al Castell de Burriac (Cabrera de Mar) (43 points, 3 comments)
    3. Calella de Palafrugell, un dels meus llocs preferits de la Costa Brava (39 points, 6 comments)
    4. Posta de sol una nit d’estiu a L’Estartit (35 points, 2 comments)

Top Commenters

  1. Merkaartor (1263 points, 404 comments)
  2. Erratic85 (534 points, 143 comments)
  3. treatbone (495 points, 119 comments)
  4. MaresmeOriental (425 points, 126 comments)
  5. raicopk (408 points, 121 comments)
  6. guillemqv (389 points, 74 comments)
  7. PerBlueFan (250 points, 66 comments)
  8. guineuenmascarada (247 points, 66 comments)
  9. Parareda8 (225 points, 51 comments)
  10. neuropsycho (222 points, 47 comments)
  11. volivav (205 points, 49 comments)
  12. firewire_9000 (205 points, 48 comments)
  13. Terfue (196 points, 55 comments)
  14. montxogandia (194 points, 54 comments)
  15. Lt_Pardell (161 points, 26 comments)
  16. tbri001 (159 points, 23 comments)
  17. TerceraVia (155 points, 44 comments)
  18. choto3000 (146 points, 38 comments)
  19. Notoriolus10 (138 points, 30 comments)
  20. GoigDeVeure (135 points, 38 comments)
  21. marquina9999 (121 points, 23 comments)
  22. Jeffmeister69 (115 points, 27 comments)
  23. mertianthro (99 points, 18 comments)
  24. JosepFontana (98 points, 27 comments)
  25. viktorbir (95 points, 36 comments)
  26. anitgos (95 points, 12 comments)
  27. Gotnov (94 points, 21 comments)
  28. OuFerrat (91 points, 23 comments)
  29. suirea (89 points, 24 comments)
  30. deinhard_dd (84 points, 19 comments)
  31. turbomargarit (81 points, 26 comments)
  32. Valdrick_ (81 points, 16 comments)
  33. JUTGELLARENA (78 points, 29 comments)
  34. baez_taez (73 points, 22 comments)
  35. geekest_cat (72 points, 21 comments)
  36. Minghal (71 points, 61 comments)
  37. q-quan (71 points, 15 comments)
  38. Epamynondas (70 points, 21 comments)
  39. bas-bas (68 points, 17 comments)
  40. PereLoTers (68 points, 12 comments)
  41. Smalde (67 points, 14 comments)
  42. ThePowerOfDreams (66 points, 15 comments)
  43. densest-hat (62 points, 12 comments)
  44. ZenoAtharax (61 points, 22 comments)
  45. Trollnotter (61 points, 16 comments)
  46. glamona (61 points, 12 comments)
  47. John-W-Lennon (60 points, 9 comments)
  48. Filiprino (59 points, 17 comments)
  49. sam5432 (58 points, 11 comments)
  50. gulagdandy (56 points, 17 comments)

Top Submissions

  1. Fun with Català by tbri001 (103 points, 8 comments)
  2. Watch what I can do! by MaresmeOriental (90 points, 7 comments)
  3. Avui és el dia by JosepFontana (88 points, 10 comments)
  4. The origin of the word "nothing" in romance languages by Aletschgletscher (80 points, 6 comments)
  5. Pokémon Falç by Merkaartor (78 points, 2 comments)
  6. I tú? També ho ets? by Pyromann (74 points, 6 comments)
  7. Quin partit votar el 28A? by MaresmeOriental (70 points, 17 comments)
  8. A un pakistanès de Barcelona: "Setze jutges del punjab mengen okras i kebab" by TerceraVia (70 points, 4 comments)
  9. Web de l'Agència Tributària: IBAN = ANAVEN by TerceraVia (67 points, 5 comments)
  10. La Sagrada Família a la portada del Time by Merkaartor (65 points, 9 comments)

Top Comments

  1. 35 points: Merkaartor's comment in Language etiquette while traveling in Barcelona with a Spanish-speaking friend
  2. 30 points: anitgos's comment in Canten l'himne feixista de La Legión a la boda (a l'Empordà) de Claudia Creuheras (fill del president del Grup Planeta i Atresmedia) i Álvaro Gandarias (fill del directiu de Caixabank).
  3. 29 points: tbri001's comment in Una turba de militants de Ciutadans persegueix un càmera i l'agredeixen al cap al crit de "Fuera TV3, fuera TV3", a les portes del parc de la Ciutadella. Per major perplexitat és un càmera de Telemadrid
  4. 28 points: densest-hat's comment in Brexit influence
  5. 27 points: mrdeu's comment in As an Englishman what can I do to support an independent Catalonia?
  6. 26 points: John-W-Lennon's comment in On puc comprar marihuana a Tossa de Mar?
  7. 25 points: barca_means_boat's comment in On puc comprar marihuana a Tossa de Mar?
  8. 24 points: Basque_Pirate's comment in The French connection: How Catalonia got its ballot papers
  9. 23 points: Erratic85's comment in RESULTATS | El Partit Popular de Catalunya es converteix en l'únic partit català amb un 100% de representació femenina
  10. 22 points: Merkaartor's comment in Un minut de silenci per tots els vots del Front Republicà
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what is aleatory mean video

a·le·a·to·ry. (ā′lē-ə-tôr′ē) adj. 1. Dependent on chance, luck, or an uncertain outcome: an aleatory contract between an oil prospector and a landowner. 2. Of or characterized by gambling: aleatory contests. 3. Deriving from the Latin noun alea, which refers to a kind of dice game, aleatory was first used in English in the late 17th century to describe things that are dependent on uncertain odds, much like a roll of the dice. The term now describes things that occur by sheer chance or accident, such as the unlucky bounce of a golf shot or the unusual ... Because most insurance contracts are aleatory contracts, it is always possible that an insurer may never have to pay policyholders any money whatsoever. For example, if a person buys a health insurance policy and then never visits the doctor or gets injured during the policy period, the insurer may collect premiums and never pay the insured without violating the contract. Definition of aleatory in the dictionary. Meaning of aleatory. What does aleatory mean? Information and translations of aleatory in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Definition. Aleatory Contract — an agreement concerned with an uncertain event that provides for unequal transfer of value between the parties. Insurance policies are aleatory contracts because an insured can pay premiums for many years without sustaining a covered loss. Conversely, insureds sometimes pay relatively small premiums for a short ... Definition of aleatory in the Dictionary. Meaning of aleatory. What does aleatory mean? Proper usage and audio pronunciation (plus IPA phonetic transcription) of the word aleatory. Information about aleatory in the dictionary, synonyms and antonyms. The word aleatory derives from the Latin alea, which means the rolling of dice. Thus, an aleatoric uncertainty is one that is presumed to be the intrinsic randomness of a phenomenon. ... linear form. Usually, one is interested in an unbiased model. In that case, parameters Θ g are estimated by setting the mean of E equal to zero. aleatory in British English. (ˈeɪlɪətərɪ , -trɪ) or aleatoric (ˌeɪlɪəˈtɒrɪk ) adjective. 1. dependent on chance. 2. (esp of a musical composition) involving elements chosen at random by the performer. Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers. of or relating to accidental causes; of luck or chance; unpredictable: an aleatory element. Music . employing the element of chance in the choice of tones, rests, durations, rhythms, dynamics, etc. An aleatory insurance (essentially an aleatory contract) is a very useful instrument to hedge against the risk of financial loss due to something happening in the future. If you purchased an automobile and wanted to reduce the risk of financial loss due to theft, you will then need an aleatory insurance agreement where you insure yourself against the possibility of car theft.

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