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General tips and tricks for the average player part 2

General tips and tricks for the average player part 2
Welcome to part 2 of the General tips and tricks for the Average player. For part 1 go here. Since part 1 has an introduction already let's cut to the chase.
  • VII. Mirrors
  1. - Who does the AI target first?
  2. - What if the opponent evades my attacks?
  3. - Always go for the weak enemies
  4. - What about that lonely Yozuru/Homura/Other girl?
  5. - Do not be deceived by the info on screen
  6. - Stick to an idea but don't be afraid to experiment
  • VIII. Support
  1. - Identifying Whales (Formerly Whale Watching)
  2. - Whale hunting
  3. - I have too many friends!
  • IX. Battles and Bosses
  1. - Not all bosses are created equal
  2. - Gimmick bosses
  3. - Magical girls bosses are cheap
  4. - Kimochi bosses
  5. - Sometimes getting to the boss is the hardest part
  6. - Often times though...
  • X. Device limitations
  1. - Transfer code
  2. - Potato Phones
  3. - Crashes
  • Afterword
  • About the author
VII. Mirrors
Mirrors are a mostly optional thing, unless you want those 10 monthly gacha tickets that is. You are pitted against other players who are controlled by an AI, this works to our advantage as the AI is quite predictable so we can exploit that.
  • Who does the AI target first?
  • It looks for elemental weaknesses first. So if you have a Homura, a Summer Kyoko and a Kaede and the opponent has a Tart, it will make a beeline for that Homura while ignoring the other two. Of course you can exploit this, in this particular case just use Homura's SE Skill to gain Evade that turn. The enemy will waste all of its attacks trying to hit Homura (unless it has anti-evade of course). In case there are no elemental weaknesses it will go for the member of your party with the highest attack, so let's say it was Summer Kyoko. In this case Summer Kyoko doesn't have an evasion skill like Homura but you have Kaede who's skill can blind an opponent, so just blind tart. It won't work as well as Homura's evasion, specially since the AI has this miraculously knack for hitting you if the chance is above 0%. But with some luck it won't kill your Summer Kyoko and will give you a chance to retaliate next turn. All of this said, that is only if, for some reason, you weren't able to kill 1 Tart on the first turn. After all, you always go first on mirrors. This is highly advantageous and if you happen to land a girl like Cool Homura or the after mentioned Yozuru who can basically decimate most team in turn 1, specially the later who was basically tailor made for mirrors.
  • What if the opponent evades my attacks?
  • Indeed, some girls are either equipped with evasion memorias or have abilities/skills that increase their evade chance. If the AI has the chance to evade, even if it's just 10% it won't let it go to waste. It goes hand in hand with that miraculously knack for hitting you that I mentioned on the last point, it's very annoying. Just equip memoria with anti-evade abilities (the blue memorias in case you are confused).
  • Always go for the weak enemies
  • Most people have strong mirror teams. In most cases you will battle a lot of samey battles against teams of limited girls who hit hard. Then you have people like us, Average Joes that have maybe 1 or 2 limited girls at most or teams entirely composed of welfare girls. This doesn't mean the later group can't kick your ass, because it can so keep that in mind. But no, when I say weak enemies I don't mean either of those groups. I mean the teams that are composed by only 1 low level girl (usually a Kuro who's max level is 40) it dies in 1 hit and you get your reward, easy peasy.
Always go for this
  • The only but I could think of is if it has an evasion memoria as I mentioned on my last point, but you can always just counter that or keep trying to hit her until she dies. After all, Kuro doesn't hit for much at all. Some people just like to put their favorite girl on a team of 1 and let her get slaughtered by other players (or maybe it's their least favorite girl, who knows?)
Never go for this, only Whales do that.
  • Of course, you won't always find a lone Kuro, is not that common after all. Consider her a free win.
  • What about that lonely Yozuru/Homura/Other girl?
  • That's just bait and you will probably die against them unless you come prepared.
Easy peasy ...right?
  • These are technically "easy" if you know what you are doing but sometimes it's too much busy work. I'll leave that to you to decide. I'll just explain what to do but first let's set the stage. Ok, so this is a lone unit, a level 100 lone unit. You start the battle and attack, only to discover that she had an evade ability. Alright then, let's suppose that you miraculously managed to land 2 hits and she's on the ropes, easy, that means you just gotta wait for next turn to finish her off right? It's only 1 lousy girl, it can't be dangerous, correct? Wrong. Here's how Yozuru's turn will go (other players won't let me lie). She will use her SE ability "Cower Guard: [VII]Defense Down [VII / 35%] (All / 1 turn)" debuffing your own girls, then she do a blast combo (she's a blast gorrilla after all) and every hit will do about 40k to 50k of damage one shooting all of your girls, the end. Sound annoying right? Well it's because it is, Cool Homura is almost the same but Yozuru was tailor made for that. What you need to do is something I already mentioned before. Equip anti evade memoria or use a girl which SE ability allows you to anti-evade (like Nanaka) and go to town on them. They are very frail so I can guarantee they will go down before they have a chance to five finger palm of death you. If you click on that anti evade memoria link you will find the list of girls and memorias that share that particular effect. A lot of girls receive a skill to passively have a 35% chance to ignore the Evade and land a hit. But if you really wanna be sure, just equip a memoria with a 100% chance or close. I use "The Ace is a Southpaw" which gives me 85% chance but also gives me a critical hit chance so I think it's a good tradeoff.
This is a guaranteed victory unless your potato phone crashes o3o
  • As you can see from this pic, I got a Blast Combo with Nanaka. That's it', that's my victory condition against trolly units like Yozuru who have evade memoria. All I need to do now I activate my SE ability which gives Nanaka crit 100% Anti-evade for 1 turn. Even without a blast combo I would still have a chance if I got at least 2 Nanaka disks on my disk tray. If Nanaka wasn't a water type and had slightly more attack she would be top tier in mirrors. Yozuru died on my second blast hit if you are wondering.
  • Do not be deceived by the info shown on screen
  • Sometimes we fall into this false sense of security by looking at the opponents info screen in mirrors. This is actually something that just happened to me so I am gonna include it as an example. Look at this screenshot and let's analyze it:
First we have their Rank, Rank 100, well it's a little below my own Rank which is 110. And they only have A-1 Rank in mirrors (the golden A icon to the left of their Rank). I am Rank B-3 I think, so we are really close to each other. If we look at the numbers, their team power is 183,058, I just reached 190,000 myself. And then we have the bonus multiplier which is actually below 1.0 meaning the game deems this team to be of lower quality than mine, hence the lower multiplier. Also they have 2 aqua and 1 fire unit while I use 2 light and 1 aqua, I have the elemental advantage on at least 1 instance. All of this, in paper, seems like an easy win! In practice though...
Did ...did she just one shot my Ult. Madoka with her magia?!
  • I got decimated, while I managed to eventually kill Karin, it was already too late. Asuka keep intercepting my hits and she was quite bulky. Karin herself was too, the only hits I managed to land only helped her charge her magia faster which then was used against my Ult. Madoka. Remember, since there was no one with an Elemental weakness to fire, she went for the girl with the highest attack on my team. I lost, that was that. In the end all of that info meant nothing for a number of reasons:
  1. I didn't know what memorias they had equipped. This is what makes mirrors so hard, you are going in blind.
  2. Ditto for SE. Not that idk what kind of SE they have, just that you don't know if they have SE in the first place. Although there is a way of guessing. Before SE came into play, teams of 3 had at best 160,000 of team power. A little bit more in the case of premium teams. Two welfare girls and a premium girl should not total more than that without SE. Keep that in mind. Think about it this way: each girl provides about 50,000 to 60,000 points of team power before SE. So if you multiple 50K by the number of girls in any given team you should get the amount of team power they should have without SE. If they have more than that you can bet they have SE.
  3. I got cocky and tried to take Karin out first thinking she was the major threat when in reality killing Yachiyo on my first turn should've been a priority. By not killing her when I had the chance she activated her 70% damage cut to self basically becoming extremely bulky and impossible to kill on the second turn. Also killing someone else before Yachiyo just increases her ATK and DEF due to SE.
  • Never get into a situation like that, learn from my mistakes.
  • Stick to an idea but don't be afraid to experiment
  • By that I mean, you need to decide if you are gonna use a big team, a small team, a single unit. Is it gonna be about blast? (really common) accele? (quite uncommon) or just a random mismatch of girls? (this is the most common one). I used to just put whatever girls were the strongest ones I had in a team of 5. While there is strength in numbers, these teams don't work so well on mirror for a number of reasons. The most prominent being you can't use your memorias right away. They have a cooldown at the start, and as such they can't pick your slack for having so many girls. So just stick to a maximum of 3 girls to have more consistency. Unless you somehow adquired a bunch of premium units like our friend here.
This team will kick your ass. Puella combos be damned
  • I used to run a Blast Aqua team (the team posted some pics ago) but eventually I found it a little boring (also there were a lot of forest girls and it became annoying). So I changed up my strategy for something more generic, imitation is the best form of flattery as some say. And imitate I did, I started to notice this tendency on teams. They have an attacker, a defender and a misc girl (it can be another attacker, a defender or something in between). So I decided to copy that, I took my bulkiest girl (Sana) and two of my best attackers (Nanaka and Ult. Madoka, my only limited girl with 4 slots and also has bulk). It kind of worked, by using Assistant Instructor of the Ryuushin Style and The Stories (Rumors) Also Know on Sana I can use her to draw in some attacks while keeping my other two units safe while I do my plays. Of course a strategy like this has the drawback of getting Sana disks on your attacks. She can't do much by herself. Also she's very susceptible to fire, high defense or not. Then there is the fact that those memorias are not always gonna activate so in some turns Sana will just stand there while the enemy girls kill your other girls. Eventually I swapped Sana for Kokoro. My Kokoro has only 3 slots but being light attribute, having better stats and ability make her league better than Sana and that also makes up for that missing slot. At first I was hesitant about this change because of the 3 slots. But eventually I came to realize Kokoro is just that good, being a natural 4 star unit has its advantages. No team is gonna win you all the battles (not even Whale teams win all the battles, they win most of them though) but you gotta experiment to see what you like. Once you are comfortable with an strategy, try to see how you can improve on it. But if you find a better one, just go for it!
VIII. Supports
Supports have been a staple of magia record since like forever. As previously mentioned, unlike other games where you have to send friend requests to other players and wait for the to reply in order to use other units, Magia record just let's you add them without them accepting.
  • Identifying Whales (Formerly Whale Watching)
  • How many supports do you have? 50? 70? 100? How many of those are whales? Hopefully your answer is "most of them". Whale supports are the second best type of support in the game. The first best type is whales who follow you back o3o. Yes, having people following you back is great since you gain SP (Support points) each time they use your girls as their support. But SP is not something you are really starving for if you've been following this guide. So I recommend just adding whales whenever you find them. I already defined a whale in the Glossary section on part 1. But here's a visual aid:
The Moby-Dick of Mobyle Gaming o3o.
  • You will immediately notice a few things. The S-3 Mirrors Rank, being followed by 5 times the amount of players one can add, and finally the fact that this Whale has, not 1, not 2, not even 4 but a full team of 6 limited girls. This is who I am referring to when I say "Whale mansion". But let us not drop our panties yet, let us check the stats and memorias of the girls by pressing that cream colored button on the lower right corner of the screen right above the Ren-Rika christmas duo.
  • Just look at those girls. Look at them I say! All memoria slots, fully equipped and they clearly have most of if not all of their SE unlocked. Heck, you can tell even their oldest unit (Ult. Madoka) is well taken care of. By looking at those stats you can tell she had her SE. May I remind you that she received her SE unlock just yesterday (Monday, August 17th NA time) as the time of this writing?. This person is not only a whale, but also an avid player. Their S-3 Rank is not just for show, this person is dedicated to the game as much as any F2P who doesn't have the money to roll for all of those girls. This is who you want of you side. The Mami Tomoe to your Madoka Kaname. Of course, this is an ideal situation.
  • Whale hunting
  • These Whales are not easy to come by. But there are lists of whale players for you to add on the internet. Where? idk, look for them. If I find any I'll post it in this section or in the comments. More often than not you will end up adding more casual Whales, those are the ones that have the girls but usually forget to put them their team and only change around the ALL support to the girl featured on the most recent gacha. I mean it still works, but nothing beats the powerful Moby-Dick. Whales are our friends and abusing their power is the key to many victories. Another way to add whales is just looking at your random Supports. These are the supports you an see at the very bottom of your support select screen before entering any stage. The best way to tell who's a whale is by waiting for an event. If you recall, during events you need special memoria to collect event currency more efficiently. They provide you with bonus currency as such. Now, the game does give you a 3 star memoria which increases your drops by like 5 points. But there is also more powerful 4 star versions which give you more points, these are usually walled behind the gacha. Most F2P just stick to the 3 star memorias in their supports. This is where the whales come in. Being P2P mean they will almost always have the 4 star memoria on their Support units along with the 3 star ones for maximum farming efficiency. Not only that but said memoria will be at max level and hopefully equipped to the event's featured girl with all of her memoria slots already unlocked. That's a whale right there.
The second Support is obviously a whale. You can tell because of it's S-3 Mirror Rank and the use of not only this event's bonus memorias but also ones from other events like it. That's a Whale flexing on you o3o.
  • But if you really wanna make sure this is indeed a Whale and not an F2P who has been saving all year long for that event all you need to do is: select them for battle, once the battle is over your will be brought to the "add support" screen, this screen will show you all the info you need to know and give you the option to add them (pink button) or not (the cream colored button). On that same screen you can click on their other girls and it will show you what memorias they have equipped. You are looking for not only teams of good girls (what good is a support if they only have a Final Tart as their main support while the other girls are under leveled welfare?) but also girls with all their slots unlock and max level memorias. I was gonna place an image here but I can't find it so you'll have to excuse me for that. If you are a long time player you will know what I am talking about. Once you add them, that's it, they are yours to keep. If you add multiple of them during an event you will have a much better time farming. They can actually help you decrease your deficit of AP potions in the long run by making you not farm the events stages as much. Go whales, go!
  • I have too many friends!
  • Yes, as an avid Gacha player this is a way too common problem. We are just that likable and sociable. You will find yourself in this situation more often than not. Specially if you haven't reach the 100 friends cap. I myself I am at 96 and I really need more space for friends. You want to add those whales but you don't know who to delete because everything is in japanese?. Don't worry fam, I got you covered. All you need to do is memorize 2 or 3 symbols!
Last login:.2 hours? Probably asleep. 10 days? On vacation. 13 months?! Probably trapped under a pile of old news papers and surviving on food rations, send help.
  • This is the second tab of your Support menu found in settings. This particular tab shows you the people following you. That pink button right there is so you can follow them back! Very useful stuff (as long as they have good supports that is). You can always find the people who you deleted from your support list here (as long as they were following you back. Do not delete the whales that aren't following you). Check your Support list (the first tab on the vertical menu to your left on this screen). The game will tell you for how long they haven't been playing (so, their last login). Just compared the symbols I circled in red. The ones you are looking for are either the 2nd or the 3rd (Days and Months). I usually give my support a leeway of 30 or so days to log back in. Not every person is like me who logins every day to at least do dailies. Life gets in the way sometimes. But after that time is up it's time to say good bye and make more space. To delete someone you have to press the cream colored button to the right of their name and it will lead you to this screen:
Last connection: 28 days ago. Not even solid support aside from Homura, see you later alligator.
  • Now all you need to do is press the button on the followers section of this screen. So the cream colored button with the blue icon above. That's it, that deletes the friend, it doesn't ask you if you are sure, it just does it. So keep that in mind before deleting someone. Having Whales is great and all, but even the best whale won't be much to talk about in a couple of months of not login in. So makes as much space as possible for new whales!
IX. Battles and Bosses
  • Not all battles are created equal
  • And by this I mean, take the difficulty number of each stage as a mere suggestion. Doubly so if that number is 95. Yes, some event bosses have a difficulty of 95, but so do the Ex Stages, so which one is it F4 Samurai?. If you are long time player, the event bosses are usually a cakewalk. Ex Stages though? They are the definition of cheap. Having said that, Ex Stages are just for people who want to challenge themselves and only give a modest reward so you can disregard them if they are too difficult. I only left 2 Ex stages without a clear in my whole magia record career. And that's ok, they were just too difficult for me to do with what I had available at the time. I am looking at you Christmas Ex Boss 5.
Those question marks aren't just for show. They still owe me those 10 gems. I am going back for them!
  • If you keep losing, by trying the battle a couple more times you should be able to tell if you the boss is beatable with your current team or not.
  • Gimmick bosses
  • Gimmick bosses have always been a part of Magia Record. Although the gimmicks have been getting progressively more annoying as time goes on. Some of them, like the Rumor of the nameless Artificial Intelligence are quite easy to figure out since the game just shows you. She only attacks once per turn for negligible damage. But every 3rd turn she will up her crit and hit you like a truck. If you don't have anti-crit equipped she will most likely kill one of your girls. This easy to tell patterns usually come with regular bosses. Nothing hard, just adds to the challenge. Then you have Ex Bosses and some event Bosses that require a little more of your attention. Take this image for example:
I was just trying to tickle the boss it seems
  • Yeah, no, something's off,. How come I am only dealing any significant damage in the middle? This was from an Ex Boss battle 5 some events ago. This is a relatively new gimmick (compared to others) in which the enemy only receives normal damage on a particular space. If you are playing on x2 speed and just trying to wail at the boss you may miss on this fact. Happened to me until my eyes caught those numbers. Then I reduced the speed back to x1 and took that screenshot. This boss was bait, being a big boss the first thing you will think of is bringing a blast team or a magia team with AoE magias. What you were meant to do is bring a magia team with girls who only attack a single area or if they use AoE make sure they hit hard enough. That's what I ended up doing, I brought Kako and Madoka with a side of Madoka support and spammed their magias and doppels until the boss died. While Madoka is not really a hard hitting unit and her attacks are AoE she picks up the slack with the fact that she can draw accele disks with her personal memoria and her magia/doppel recover MP. I call it "The Madoka Method" I didn't invented the strategy or anything, I just like calling it that way, it rolls off the tongue o3o.
An example of the Madoka Method. My own Madoka only has 1 slot but that's more than enough to spam some magias! Also Ult. Madoka is just here for support, she's not part of the Madoka Method despite being a Madoka o3o.
  • Some other bosses can only be damage by either magias, regular attacks or status conditions. You have to experiment and see for yourself. Or you can always wait for someone to post about it. Let's move to the next section.
  • Magical girls bosses are cheap
  • If you thought Rumors/Witches were annoying you are in for a rude awakening. I present to you, magical girl bosses. At first glance, they look easy, after all, mirrors has magical girls too and they are on the same level as me right? Indeed, in mirrors they are. But this is not mirrors, this is an event boss. What makes these types of bosses really annoying is that they can use the same skill as you. I am sorry, did I said the same? I meant a way better version of your own skills. Silly me, I got confused for a second there. Yes, they can boost themselves with only the best buffs, debuff you with the worse the game has to offer and on top of that place status conditions on you if you didn't come prepared for them. I mean, RumoWitch bosses can do all of those things too, but they are also big punching bags with a big bullseye stapled unto them. Also there is the itty bitty tiny fact that RumoWitch bosses are only 1 unit so you only need to worry about 1 element. As you can see in the following picture:
And this isn't even the hardest boss I've face by a long shot. It's just a screenshot I had in archive.
  • This elemental composition is all over the place. Light/Dark/Fire/Void, who do I target first? do I bring other elements to counter them?. As you can see I only brought light and Dark. You may be lure into bringing a whole team of 5 girls thinking that should even the playing field. But no, it never does, it just counterproductive. They have advantages you don't have as a big team. The most glaring one being that the enemy doesn't get a bunch of random disks each turn. It just picks a girl and attacks your with her. They don't need to stuff like Puella combos, they already hit hard enough. So don't be baited into using big teams unless you have a strategy with said team. The best thing you can do is try to nuke the enemy with magias. This was a little before I discovered the wonders of the Madoka Method so I tried to get lucky and used Rika/Ren instead. I mean, I managed to kill them so I guess yay me (?). Overall, aside from 1 or two bosses (like that annoying christmas Ex boss) I say magical girl bosses are more dangerous. Side note: In some special cases, some girls are just there to support the boss team.
In this ase Yozuru was just buffing the other two and couldn't attack.
  • Once the other are out of the picture they literally just sit there and buff themselves until you kill them.
Not so fearsome out of mirror, huh?!
  • Kimochi bosses
  • Kimochi bosses are a sort of mini event. Usually running along with other, bigger event. They pop in from time to time so be on the lookout for them. They are a banner event, or at least used to be, now they have become a button on your home screen. The aim of these bosses is not to be defeated, just for you to make a lot of points by damaging them. Magias are the favored method of damaging this boss. The more damage you do, the more rank you get and the higher the rank you get equals better prizes. There is not much I can tell you about Kimochi bosses aside from some general tips.
  • A) Always aim for magia-centric team. Remember, in this event you don't get to use Supports, so you are on your own. The previously mentioned Madoka Method is highly recommended. Units who can be used for this are: Madoka, Kako, New Year Mitama and Karin. If you have any of those, bring them along.
This is how my regular Kimochi run looked like. All thanks to the Madoka Method!
  • B) While keeping in mind the elemental weakness of the boss that is. Unlike other bosses the Kimochi boss doesn't take neutral damage. This means that an Aqua Kimochi will resist all elements except Forest and only take neutral damage from Void. In this case Kako is a must of course, you can bring Madoka and Mitama too, but if you ask me, 3 Accele drawing units is a bit too much. But this is only because the boss had an elemental resistance to everyone else aside from Kako and Mitama (Void is neutral after all). On any other situation you could bring all of them along with a Madoka support and go to town. But for now Kako and another girl should suffice while filling the other slots with Forest girls. In my case I brought along Holy Mami, Kaede and Meru while making sure I equipped MP increasing memorias. I reached Rank S-3 on the 3rd day of the event. That's the max rank. I also managed to land a place among the top 30 players on my division for a day. Everyone else above me was using the same strategy or a variation of it btw.
  • C) Your MP is conserved between battles. This is super useful for using the Madoka Method. Your total MP is placed in a pool and then spread across all of your girls evenly at the end of the battle. So if you ended your battle with Madoka having a 100 MP remaining that means that MP will be divided by 5 (or the number of girls in your team). So when you start your next battle everyone will start with 20 MP. This is before applying any modifiers, like those of girls who received a fixed amount of MP at the start of battle. Kako is a good example ( Fast Mana Up/ MP Gauge Increased On Battle Start [15% full] ). Just be sure to use the most MP possible before the end of the 3rd battle (you can only battle the kimochi boss 3 times per day). The MP doesn't transfer to the next day, just between battles during the same day. But there are ways to make extra MP.
  • D) You are placed in a "division" or "block" if you will during the kimochi event . To quote the wiki: "After the initial ranking period, players will be divided into teams based on ranks. Teams will gain points based on the total number of opponents repelled, rather than damage dealt." Repelled meaning "killing" the boss. You can send some free MP to these people by using the Kimochi menu.
Just pick your favorite and click that purple button to send some free MP and receive a little bit of extra MP back!
  • By doing so you also receive a little bit of MP for being a good samaritan. And if you are lucky enough someone gift you MP too. Keep it in mind but don't count of it considering the staggering amount of players in a single block. I always try to send MP to players who were on the lower end of the rank and still had tries against the boss, but that's just me.
  • E) You can practice in mock battles. Since you can only battle the real Kimochi 3 times a day the devs were kind enough to offer an option to battle a simulation of the boss. It's the same boss but the battle doesn't count towards your daily battles and your MP is not conserved between battles (it would be super cheesy if it could). This is a great way check if your strategies work and how much damage you do on average to the boss. Speaking of the boss.
  • F) Don't afraid of it. The boss is just a giant damage sponge. It is more scared you than you are scared of it. If you bring the right status ailments protections the boss is really harmless. Even its special attack doesn't hit for much. If you have regen that should be enough to keep the boss at bay damage wise. Depending on the difficulty, the boss will use its special attack once or twice, that's it, it's regular attacks barely damage your girls. I am of course talking about lv 100 girls. Don't be bringing your Kuro to this battle o3o. (Note to self, bring Kuro to a mock battle during the next kimochi to check how much she can do to the boss).
  • Sometimes getting to the boss is the hardest part
  • So far I've been over selling the bosses. But what about the minions? Most of the time they are just fodder that can be dealt with a blast combo. But other times they are a pain in the butt. Some minions are placed right before the boss not just to pad the battle's length but to debuff you or give you status conditions. Basically they are softening you for the boss to just swoop in and kill you. So keep that in mind.
  • Often times though...
  • Some minions can be harder than the boss for the same reason a boss magical girl team is more dangerous tan a big boss. There is an advantage to numbers and elemental variety. Girls like Madoka can protect your whole party against debuffs and Ult. Madoka can give you a small blanket of protection against all status ailments with her Ex Skill. These kinds of situation happen mostly on Ex battles but always keep your guard up. You never know when a minion is gotta throw you off your game.
X. Device limitations
Not all phones/tablets are created equally and Magia Record is notoriously picky about what kind of device you can play it on. This is because the game is quite resource heavy. All of those pretty Live 2D models and animations come at a price. So if you have a potato phone you may wanna keep reading.
  • Transfer code
  • I cannot stress this enough. Always have a copy of your transfer code. I won't get into detail on how to get it since that can be easily found here on reddit and the wiki. But the code is unique, it never changes, so it doesn't hurt to have it stored in a safe place. If something happens to your device you can always transfer your data to another one with that string of characters. It's quite magical.
  • Potato phones
  • I've played Magia record on a number of devices at this point. None of them are supported by the game. In most cases the devices were just hand me downs or older models. As such, I've been forced to install the game by using unconventional methods. There are multiple methods for installing Magia Record on unsupported devices. And again, you can check all of that info in here or the wiki. Personally I just install a modified APK I got from a chinese website (which not many people recommend since, well, chinese website) but I am willing to take the risk for the sake of commodity. Right now I am running Magia record on my Fire Tablet. it's the most recent (as of this writing) model. You would think that despite being unsupported it would run the game better than my Samsung J7 phone. But nope, they run about the same, maybe a little better. The main problem is the screen resolution. Despite having better hardware, the screen is big so the game has to take that into a account and it takes more resources from my tablet. It's important to learn all the kinks of your device so you can plan ahead of time. Slow downs are one of the things that happen to me. They usually happen when I am on the menus (home screen, mirrors, stage select, etc). And it usually means I have to close the game and open it again. If I don't...
  • Crashes
  • Yeah, it crashes, although it rarely crashes during regular battles. And even if it does you can just retry it. No, the annoying crashes are in mirrors. In my case the game slows down in mirrors if you play it for more than a few minutes at a time. There is something about mirrors that my device doesn't like. Usually it crashes after I finish a battle so it's no big deal. I just restart the game and continue with the next battle. But there are some times were it crashes right in the middle on them. Those are very annoying to say the least. Specially in ranked mirrors. It has happened multiple times in the span of all the mirror events on multiple devices. There is something about mirrors that just crashes the game. From my own experience, I've noticed that the slowdown precedes the crashes so when I start noticing them it's time to close the game. Pay attention to when does your game crash and make a mental note of it. You will be surprised to find there are patterns to this. Also, this should go without saying, but if you have a potato phone, turn off notifications while you play, ditto for chat bubbles. In my case they contribute to the crashes, specially in mirrors.
Thank you for reading this "guide" for a lack of a better word. As I mentioned before I just wrote this as I went along so there are things that I may've missed. I can't promise you I'll put them on later or anything but hey, this should be more than enough, right?. Maybe just correct one or two grammar mistakes if I find them. Writing something like this has been on the back of my head ever since the first year anniversary. It took 2 years, but I think all the accumulated experience was a good trade off o3o. The 3rd year anniversary is upon us, I wish you all luck and may you get the girl you are rolling for!
About the author
Non-stop Magia Record player for 3 years now. Playing on a potato phone for most of that time at that. Not my first gacha game but the most lasting one. Homura fan, potato aficionado and Kazumi enthusiast.
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